Nosy co-worker keeps asking me how much money I make-what's a good response?

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give a number that is likely to be higher than hers/yours but believable. See them go running to HR for a raise and come out with a P45 (don't know if you have them in the states but it is what a UK employer must give someone who is leaving so they can properly inform the next employer of their tax code - you get the idea!)

I've always had a different opinion on the way salaries are kept secret. I know it's taboo to discuss salaries, and I've never quite agreed with it.

I have a standing invitation with all my [trusted] co-workers that I'm perfectly willing to share salary information, as long as it's a two way street, and it's not to be mis-used. e.g. if they feel they aren't being justly compensated, they bring it up; but not "Well, Jeff makes this much, and I only make this much", rather "I don't believe I am being compensated fairly".

It keeps things honest, so-as certain people don't get screwed because they don't know any better. As it is, I have a fairly good idea of who makes what of my co-workers, and since I've started this 'method', salaries have been adjusted in such a way to reflect accurately peoples skill and performance. It was _not_ that way when I first started.


However, for the situation at hand, it sounds like she's not just inquiring about your salary; but rather your household income. I see no reason for anyone to know a household income [nor do they have a right to know my full income from other sources].
Or, if you prefer to humor her -- you can try something benign like:

More than some, but less than others.
that it is rude - there's a reason within firms as to why that sort of info should be kept confidential, not to mention just basic TACT!

Next time she asks, say, "what difference does it make?".

Maybe she's hoping for a payrise soon and wants to know the ballpark to aim for...???

Regardless, there's no excuse for such nosy-ness!
Preferably in the throat, but the person delivering it will be badmouthed by the DA a lot. Best to pass on the pleasure of delivery, just think about it.

OTOH if you have a boss who'll put up with it you could simply start repeatedly asking about something she thinks is private when she pings on the $ subject. Sex life is good if it is a button for her, but you need to be of the same polarity to make it work. Press for DETAILS like frequency, stamina of partner (Just 3 times a night, how sad..., you have my sympathy dear. ), # of partners this week, etc. Whatever is the hot button for her. If it's not sex it's something else, you'll just have to find it. I get that she's hitting on husband $ not yours, so the "don't" talk about salary" rule may not work effectively here. Eventually it'll sink in. Like training a dog, sometimes you just have to rub their nose in the mess. Be sure to let line supervisors know it's coming ahead of time , and why. Once you get their blessing though there are NO holds barred.

I once had a co-worker who spent half the day praying AT folks. Now while praying for, or with, somone is generally a good thing being prayed AT for weeks on end gets annoying and decreases work time. Several of the co-workers had pinged on him to cease and desist, including the company owner. He stopped after a couple of co-workers filled out EVERY coupon for free samples in a Hustler and a few other various polarity adult mags in his name. The number of "plain brown wrappers" in his mailbox finally got his attention, and his wife's. Our problem stopped. So did his, after a couple of years. Mailing lists seem to take on a life of their own....

Spectre may have a good point. Suppose this lady was hired at a very low rate and was promised that she would be raised to the going rate later. Then they gave her a dime an hour increase & told her that was what everyone else was making & gave her a sob story about how poorly the company was doing. Our secrecy does not benefit us. I know that everyone is terrified that if we divulge our info, the other person will run to personnel & use their name to manipulate for a raise. If you can have a talk with her about why she is so interested and she is willing to be mutual, it may be quite revealling.

There are some people who are from cultures where this is not such an issue. My Russian co-workers have no qualms about asking me extremely direct questions about my position & pay rate at the companies I have worked at. They have good reason: they were hired at very low rates & are being stalled on their green cards to keep them enslaved to a single company that just likes using their labor for cheap. That comes back to bite us because all similar companies in the town would rather import a cheap Russian employee if they can get away with it. I have no problem with the immigrant workers contributing as long as they have equal rights & pay & are not being used to bring my wages down. I have confided my rates to these people under the condition that they not tell others that I told them. They have honored this to my knowledge.
FredT once bubbled...
He stopped after a couple of co-workers filled out EVERY coupon for free samples in a Hustler and a few other various polarity adult mags in his name. The number of "plain brown wrappers" in his mailbox finally got his attention, and his wife's. Our problem stopped. So did his, after a couple of years. Mailing lists seem to take on a life of their own....


FredT, you are a sick, sick man.....

...and I like it!
Gives me some ideas......:devious: :think:
"Go to hell!" or other insult direct is all the answer a snoopy question rates.

He also said:

The correct way to punctuate a sentence that starts: "Of course it is none of my business but --" is to place a period after the word "but." Don't use excessive force in supplying such moron with a period. Cutting his throat is only a momentary pleasure and is bound to get you talked about.
Well allot of work places have policies as to not discuss your salaries, even though I work for county government and its a public record among our self’s we cannot discuss our salary.

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