Online Sales - The importance of buying from local businesses

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do any of you have the balls to put your life savings on the line to go into business for yourself? It is so easy to be critical when you don't know what goes on in the day to day running of a business.

And your balls and decisions matter to who? I would think it was your decision and your balls you put on the line (repeating rhetoric :D). Come on dude, is this an attempt to drum up business? I would think twice before going so boldly...where others (many) have gone before. Like I said, and many others, we support both and understand the need....for both. Get off your high horse and you will find many friends here on the board. :crafty:
There are many things behind the scenes that the public in general is not aware of but as I said can lp or st give you air fills, classes, equipment repair, trips and other things a brick and mortar shop can offer?

Fills - I have friends with compressors and many dive sites here have their own compressors & tanks to rent
Classes - I dive with many instructors unattached to LDS's that offer training OW and up (some even train people for free, due to their love of the sport)
Equipment Repairs - I can get these done in a dedicated equipment repair shop here ƒ_ƒCƒrƒ“ƒOŠíÞ‚̃I[ƒo[ƒz[ƒ‹
Trips - Organise by myself or with friends, in 2007 I think I went on about 10-15 trips from a weekend to a fortnight.. none through an LDS
Other things - there is always Scubaboard!

I don't think LDS's have a divine right to exist. I used mine once last year, to get a wetsuit made - but I could have gone to Hotwave Wetsuits Phuket, Thailand or similar.

If their prices were better, I would use them more but I'm not going to pay over the odds for products (equipment) to support a service I neither need nor want (trips, "advice", fills)
As a customer, I'm more likely to stay away from businesses that go for the scaremonger tactic. It's one thing to be competitive. It's quite another to make up lies in an attempt to bring down your competition.

I like my LDS because they realize that the onus is on them to convince me to purchase items at their store instead of the other way around. It makes me sick when a store gets the attitude that I should feel priviledged to purchase an item due to the brands they carry or the convenience or service or that it isn't located in the boogeyland called the internet.
But this is an online community and this site is supported by online shops. Not brick and mortar shops.

Woah! Wait just a minute!! Please, can you tell me how many of the supporters actually do or do not have brick and mortar shops? I know Scubatoys does! I think several of other supporters do as well!

Any business that cannot see and use technology like the internet nowadays needs to fail. They are archaic and it would be wrong of us to support only them, otherwise nothing will grow or change.

To take it even more seriously, perhaps we should only buy from brick and mortar shops that only carry products produced without CAD and CAM? Because them new fangled computer things, they put good workers out of a job!
...My purpoose in writing the article however, was to let everyone know that if possilbe find a dive shop you like in your area and support it. There are many things behind the scenes that the public in general is not aware of but as I said can lp or st give you air fills, classes, equipment repair, trips and other things a brick and mortar shop can offer?

Had you phrased your original comments in a similar way, you may have found far more positive responses. The hope is always that the good LDS stay open, and the bad ones shut down, but life is never so simple, and it is often the bad ones that spoil it for the rest.

But remember, not all of us can afford to pay full price for dive gear, buying on line can (and does) make the difference between actually being able to dive at all. I know it did for me, and I don't do too badly. There will always be those that insist on going to the LDS no matter how good or bad, and always those that will insist on internet bargains regardless. as I said, to each their own, and hopefully only the good survive.

ST can offer fills - as they are a bricks and mortar business (they happen to be on the other side of the planet, of course).

Finally, one last question to all that said "here we go again" in response to my article, do any of you have the balls to put your life savings on the line to go into business for yourself? It is so easy to be critical when you don't know what goes on in the day to day running of a business.

Actually, yes, I did, do and I have. I've been in the AV industry on my own for nearly 8 years now, I'm a small operation and I know what it means to be undercut by the big boys.

There was a time when a 100inch projection screen and surround system would set you back $40k minimum. you can get it now for $5k. the profit margin on that $5k is about 5% - 10%.

When plasma screens were the latest thing (and they looked horrible, mind you), they were selling for $40k - $50k here in Aus, with a profit margin of about 30% or more - and there was no need to discount. There was no one to compete with.

Now every 2 bit hi fi shop offers 50 inch plasma for $2K, and the profit margin is nothing. Literally, I tell my clients to go buy it at a big chain store, because it will cost me more to place the order than the amount of profit I make on it.

I am, however, very happy to pick it up, deliver it, put it on your wall, calibrate it and spend the time to make sure you know how to use it, and to explain why you have those stupid black bars on the sides of the screen.

In short, I don't sell much equipment anymore (apart from the odd set of high end speakers or amps, or a control system), but I am selling my knowledge, and making almost as much - certainly enough to keep up the life I had become used to when electronics had higher margins. Basically, I adapted, and keep adapting.

Unlike the big chain stores with their huge glass store fronts with acres of TV screens (that all have horrible pictures thanks to the "dynamic" and "vivid" settings),I can't sell 1000 cardboard boxes a week, so I wont even bother trying to compete on their playing field. I prefer to play in my own sandbox where I can make my own rules. Sure, it's a small sandbox - but I'm the only one in it.

Perhaps an online presence is what you need? If the companies you deal with don't support that idea, ditch them and stock gear form companies that do. It's 2008, not 1908. We have the technology, we can compare prices globally - it wont get any better - and sooner or later, the Aqualungs of the world will have to yield and support internet sales - otherwise they will end up losing market share. I know, it's not easy - but you know that already. You HAVE the business, you say it is doing fairly well (which is good - I like to see all small operators do well), but it's up to you to pick which way you think business will go.

Whilst your initial spiel may be heartfelt, it is also doing one thing I really dislike - talking badly of the opposition. I hate that, and hate doing it (though, yes.. I have been guilty in the past), I find people are far more responsive when you don't try and make the other guy look bad. The consumer is smart enough, and has the resources (like this board) to discover the truth, and if it is contrary to your statements, you don't look so good.

Anyway, best of luck with your operation.

I support the black market. And only the black market.
It's now the year 2008 and I can book my next trip online too... What will they think of next?
There's even virtual scuba diving! I don't need fills anymore woo hoo!

I think you got off on the wrong foot and a little more research on the subject would have spared you some grief. I buy online from Divers Direct and get my fills there too, I have even taken a class from them. I just found a closer store that may be more expensive and I'll give them a shot to earn my business, but in the end it's all about costumer service, not how the goods are delivered.

"If you build it they will come!"
Good luck.
when you talk of online retailers who sell knock-offs, grey market stuff, etc, you must be talking about Leisure Pro.

Care to back this statement up with facts, personal experiences, etc?
Well it sounds as if your local dive shop has done what so many have been guilty of in the past and that is bad customer service. So many people years ago that got in the dive retail business were just divers and hobbiest and not business people. Business today has changed and the dive shops going out of business are the ones that have not adjusted to that change.

You should have highlighted this in your first post instead of implying that it was an automatic given that you would get quality service and competitive prices from your LDS. Many people have found that to be just not true and you lose credibility from the start.

Why do you have to make your case with so many bald-faced lies? Name 10 of the biggest online retailers. I'll even let you exclude the ones that cater to the techies. Now of those 10 tell me which ones are unauthorized dealers, sell knockoffs and counterfeits, and give slow customer service. C'mon name names, it's so easy to toss around generic accusations.

You might get away with biased lectures in your store where there is no one to offer a rebuttal but that won't fly in online forums. You haven't gained any converts and you've only made yourself look like a fool.

Nobody questions your balls but it takes more than balls to succeed in business. Your idea that you can stop the online tidal wave suggests that maybe you are lacking in the brains department.

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