Opinions - split from AAA Thread

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Off topic posts split from this thread

I'm not tring to trash anyone here or undermind anyones operations. Like i said he takes alot of pride in what he dose, and seen here he has some followers because he runs a decent outfit. In the intrest of safety i thaught i would bring that one point up. If i was in a enviroment that is not whare im supost to be ie. space, avaition, underwater I would not want to be in said places with faulty or half hazard life support euiptment.
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I'm not tring to trash anyone here or undermind anyones operations. Like i said he takes alot of pride in what he dose, and seen here he has some followers because he runs a decent outfit. In the intrest of safety i thaught i would bring that one point up. If i was in a enviroment that is not whare im supost to be ie. space, avaition, underwater I would not want to be in said places with faulty or half hazard life support euiptment.

Wait, is this the honolulu scuba company that almost ran right over me 7 months ago (as I was barely underwater) trying to hook up someone's (private) boat, thinking they could beat the private boat owner to the mooring ball of the YO? That big dive flag seemed to mean nothing...well maybe they thought it meant "please come within 20 feet, for a better look at the diver in the water..."

Just wondering.

PS: Spell check and more than 2 posts will give you a little more credibility by the way (it doesn't have to be perfect, but 1/8 words mispelled does not "ooze" of intelligence). Check yourself before you bash other operators. FYI, I have never been on Alex's boat...but from what I saw, being hooked to the Sea Tiger next to him on multiple occassions, he was always a class act.
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ScubaandDreams, your comment about Honolulu Scuba Company almost running you over? When did this happen? Not too sure you want to get on Capt'n Mac's bad side, unless you already are. I've been on his boat for eight months now and I can't remember this ever happening. He's not that kind of captain. Chosse your words and accusasions wisely my friend. We should be helping each other out in these bad times, not bad mouthing. Maybe dive operators have their bad days sometimes but not a reason to tell everyone on here someone tried to kill you. Dive safe and dive right. Hecdiver
ScubaandDreams, your comment about Honolulu Scuba Company almost running you over? When did this happen? Not too sure you want to get on Capt'n Mac's bad side, unless you already are. I've been on his boat for eight months now and I can't remember this ever happening. He's not that kind of captain. Chosse your words and accusasions wisely my friend. We should be helping each other out in these bad times, not bad mouthing. Maybe dive operators have their bad days sometimes but not a reason to tell everyone on here someone tried to kill you. Dive safe and dive right. Hecdiver

See the cool part about me...I have no vested interest in one Oahu Scuba business/company or another. You see, I have a "real" job and don't have to rely on scuba instruction for income. That also means I can speak my mind freely. What's even cooler is I can spend more than 6 hours to teach someone to dive unlike the vast majority of cattleshops.

"Chosse your words and accusasions wisely my friend"...what does that mean? You'll come hunt me down and do what? Have fun getting by the gate guards. Wait, I know...you'll take away my C-card.

"We should be helping each other out in these bad times, not bad mouthing." You are kidding me right. Here you are giving me this advise, when it was you earlier in this thread who hijacked it and redirected the OP away from Alex's business and to Honolulu Scuba Company. Oh you don't remember...? Here let me refresh your memory.

Hi James, he has a new website, Alex's Aquatic Adventures. If you are looking for another great dive company to go out with you will not be disappointed with Honolulu Scuba Company. Check out the website. You won't regret it.

WOW! That was some great HELP you gave ALEX there. Please do not ever "help" me ok....? Thanks.

Cut the political scuba mumble jumble BS, what happened happened. The funny part is that the only reason I jumped into this thread is because someone else blatently did what you accuse me of doing....you can either take my word for it or don't, frankly I don't give a **** either way.

So thank you for giving me the opportunity to reiterate what I stated earlier (if you have ever seen the scene in "A Few Good Men" about ... "I object"..."No wait I strenuously object"..you'll get the point.)

Based on my limited exposure with Honolulu Scuba Company, specifically the MoeMac and Alex, specifically the Ellysium (sp?) I wholeheartedly recommend Alex' diving company over that of Honolulu Scuba Company.

Congrats on post #3; and welcome to Scubaboard.

Safe diving.

PS: You are right; I don't want to be on Capt Mac's bad-boy-list. Afterall; he (or whomever was driving the MoeMac that day) almost ran me over and I don't even know the guy...I am afraid to find out what he'd do to me *if* he actually knew me and I was on his bad side.

PS, PS: "...wisely my friend". I am not your friend.
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ScubaandDreams, your comment about Honolulu Scuba Company almost running you over? When did this happen? Not too sure you want to get on Capt'n Mac's bad side, unless you already are. I've been on his boat for eight months now and I can't remember this ever happening. He's not that kind of captain. Chosse your words and accusasions wisely my friend. We should be helping each other out in these bad times, not bad mouthing. Maybe dive operators have their bad days sometimes but not a reason to tell everyone on here someone tried to kill you. Dive safe and dive right. Hecdiver

Genius!!! You should be head of advertising! You can count me as someone who will never use Honolulu Scuba Company. I tend to avoid businesses where the employee's say "Don't get on the owners bad side."
Man i miss Hawaii:popcorn:
As of a couple days ago, looks like Island Divers is taking out charters on Elysium. I would have thought they would rename the boat.
they might be taking charters out on it, but I don't think they own it (from what I hear from the grape vine)

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