PADI Zombie Apocalypse Diver Course

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I still think that everyone including myself is having alot of skeptism regarding this course but at the same time do any of us really know what all it entails? I agree with what alot of people are saying, that if this is just some underwater trip into the realm of pop culture then great, have at it, but if there are no real skills being taught i also agree that picking up a c-card for it is a little much. I think alot of people have posted legitimate questions regarding this course that have yet to be answered. I still dont really understand why those questions havent been answered. I mean i get the whole waiting on the copy rights to protect the course outline and that sort of things, but at the same time i also see a entire thread of people asking questions and making assumptions and no one who apparently knows anything about the actual course has been able to defend this program. It seems to me that at some point the people that made the program, that are apparently active in this thread might want to put something out there to defend the certification part of this course. ITs Marketing 101. At some point you have to answer questions to defend something that you have put time and effort into, and if you dont then you find yourself in a situation just like this, where there is more "buzz" about the downside of this program then there ever will be about what ever good qualities it might have. We all know that once there is alot of talk about the downside of things, it will forever hurt the reputation of that topic. I think all of us are wanting to hear the skills actually being taught in this program. So why cant those questions be answered? I dont see how those answers infringe on the "safety" of the program? Its not like anyone is asking for someone to put the entire course outline and training policies out there. It just doesnt make sense to me why the simple questions cant be answered......
It just doesnt make sense to me why the simple questions cant be answered......
Because giving details to "everyone" through a internet forum before its copyrighted/trademarked is a SERIOUSLY bad idea if you want to protect your investment?
Darn, I don't have enough room on my warm up coat for this patch. Such a shame.
I am really curious about what is actually done in the course. Maybe, it is time to go with the flow and see what people who take it think.

While I personally might agree that $200 could be better spent on something else, more than a few people people spend a whole lot more than that for photo ops with celebrities, and other equally inane activities. So, $200 for a two tank dive outing PLUS an official Zombie Apocalypse card doesn't necessarily seem all that bad by comparison. I wonder if they also offer secret decoder rings with the class.

Don't be silly. Zombies can't read, so there would be no need for codes or decoders.
Don't be silly. Zombies can't read, so there would be no need for codes or decoders.

There are no decoder rings anyway. I was supposed to get one when I finished DM but I was disappointed it wasn't included in the package.

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