Passing a DIR-F class

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Beverly Hills, California
I get asked quite frequently "What should I practice before the class so I can 'pass' the class?"

The question to me is interesting on several levels, since in some small part if going into the class the goal is to "pass" the class, the vast majority of what is taught in the class is lost on the student. A bit of historical background is necessary to amplify this comment. When the initial DIR-F classes were offered the class was a workshop based offering that allowed just about anyone to sign up for the class with just about any gear configuration imaginable. While on the one hand this allowed more students access to what GUE teaches and WHY, it also didn't remain true to GUE core values. The DIR-F class was in large part created as a response to many divers that would show up for cave training, or technical training, but lacked basic skill in buoyancy, trim, propulsion techniques, etc. etc. So what was happening in the upper level classes was that by day 1 or day 2 the students would wash-out as they had no chance of passing because the baseline skill level expected of the upper level diver wasn't there. As a result, the DIR-F workshop was a gateway to what would be expected in subsequent training classes AND also a gateway to what GUE/DIR is all about. These two interests often times competed with each other. Meaning that it's one thing to take a 2 1/2 day workshop to see what we have to offer, but it's an entirely different thing to take a workshop based class in the hopes of preparing for upper level classes. As a result of this stark inconsistency GUE decided that we needed to more formalize the structure of the DIR-F class and make it a pass/fail; have gear requirements in place; add a swim test; and by-in-large make it representative of what GUE training is all about. Moreover, by making it a pass/fail option this insured that if a student "passed" a DIR-F class and then subsequently showed up at cave country or at a Technical class that some baseline skill level had been satisfactorily achieved. Short of a desire to go on to future GUE training, the "passing" of a DIR-F class does nothing for a diver but add to the C-card collection.

What is however important to the diver is the underlying information and in-water skill that we offer. I often times get frustrated when I hear about students "practicing" for a "fundamental" class. The express purpose of this class is to teach the fundamentals of what is needed. Often times what is being practiced is incorrect and only serves to reinforce the very thing that we need to correct.

What I would suggest to those students that are concerned about "passing" the class is to show up well-rested; with an open mind to hearing what we have to say; physically fit for the swim test; having reviewed for gear requirements [or in the alternative speaking with your instructor about concerns in that regard]; and with a mindset and willingness to accept constructive criticism. What I wouldn't do is spend a ton of money on new equipment without talking to your instructor; I wouldn't spend a bunch of time practicing for the class nor would I stress out too much about the pass/fail requirement. The idea is to take away as much information and to learn what, and how, to practice. The example I like to use in my classes is that if you take a novice skier and put him in a 2 1/2 day class would that skier at the end of the weekend be able to cruise down a double black diamond mogul field?? Obviously not, he'd need to practice and work up to it based on the skills introduced at the Fundamental level. The same holds true for the diver, we'll introduce new techniques and we'll break them down and demonstrate them for you. Then we'll video tape you doing them and stop, start and rewind the video tape so we can provide you feedback to be able to go out and practice what you need to practice to get to the next level. The best thing that can be taken away from this class is the knowledge of what to practice and how to practice it properly. Only by giving you the tools to properly practice can you improve your skill level.

I hope that helps..
To me, the knowledge gleaned is much more important than any pass I would have received. I do hope some day to move on to Cave I / Tech I (which would obviously necessitate a pass), but other than that, I leave the fretting to other students. :D
Sweet! So now I know that all I need to do is show up well rested for your DIR-F class in November. And here I was worried I haven't had a chance to practice much lately...
From someone who got a "provisional" - I learned a LOT and after nearly 2 years of practice am still reminded of the lessons I learned in Fundies on a regular basis. In some ways I would like to take the class again and attempt a "pass" rating, only to see if I have learned what was taught (and pick up some more info that I simply couldn't absorb the first time)... at the same time as I have continued working on those skills, passing has become less important as I learn the the skills are now mine... which is much more valuable than any card ...

Aloha, Tim
Great advice and info Mike. This thread needs to be a "sticky".
Sweet! So now I know that all I need to do is show up well rested for your DIR-F class in November. And here I was worried I haven't had a chance to practice much lately...

Hey once you are done I know some DIR-F buddies down your way that can drill you until you beg them off... oh and one of them has a video rig also :eyebrow: Maybe he can post video and we can all critique your back kick :)
The best thing that can be taken away from this class is the knowledge of what to practice and how to practice it properly. Only by giving you the tools to properly practice can you improve your skill level.


Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

You don't know what you don't know until you go through the class.


Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

You don't know what you don't know until you go through the class.


yeah, as the quote goes...

"I don't know what the facts are but somebody's certainly going to sit down with him and find out what he knows that they may not know, and make sure he knows what they know that he may not know."

Maybe rumsfeld is really a GUE instructor...
Sweet! So now I know that all I need to do is show up well rested for your DIR-F class in November. And here I was worried I haven't had a chance to practice much lately...

plan to get snacks for you and your instructor (important!) :eyebrow:

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