Removing items from the USS Oriskany (interesting dilemma)

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BigDave. originally I thought they were deleted but Perrone Ford and I determined that I just overlooked them. We found them and as you point out above, none of it was deleted.

As for the original poster of the thread (Rich Sleppy), I was surrised that no one "commented" on his post in that forum.
BigDave. originally I thought they were deleted but Perrone Ford and I determined that I just overlooked them. We found them and as you point out above, none of it was deleted.

As for the original poster of the thread (Rich Sleppy), I was surrised that no one "commented" on his post in that forum.
I think many of us just rolled our eyes and did not really want to get into it. He has the trophy fever, and wailing on him via e-mail is not likely to cure that fever. (Of course a visit from employees of the State of Florida might have a stronger effect.)

If you want to discuss further, I will be happy to do so via PM.

I did want to correct some of the earlier posts regarding the e-mail list.

Take care,
Welcome to ScubaBoard, where the users are not afraid of pointing out unethical and unsafe practices.
awww... just saw that pic of the O's control tower... absolutely amazing... Would love to dive an aircraft carrier!!!

just hope its still in one piece by the time I eventually transfer back to the States...
=He has the trophy fever, and wailing on him via e-mail is not likely to cure that fever. (Of course a visit from employees of the State of Florida might have a stronger effect.)
I need to apologize to Rich for the above comments.

I do not know what his motivations are and I had no business making those comments.

I really need to do a better job of keeping my big mouth shut....

I'm sure most of us would like to hear from Mr. Sleppy. Of course if it does indeed prove to be unlawful to take items from the wreck, the motivation doesn't matter. It sounds like someone talked to you after you made your first post Dave.

One thing I will add is that I'm sure that Mr. Sleppy did not know this may be illegal, since he announced it on the internet and I'm sure he has suffered quite a bit from all the flames here.
Diver Dennis:
I'm sure most of us would like to hear from Mr. Sleppy. Of course if it does indeed prove to be unlawful to take items from the wreck, the motivation doesn't matter. It sounds like someone talked to you after you made your first post Dave.

One thing I will add is that I'm sure that Mr. Sleppy did not know this may be illegal, since he announced it on the internet and I'm sure he has suffered quite a bit from all the flames here.
Diver Dennis,
If you, mike s and the rest of the folks on this list want to hear from Mr. Sleppy then why don't you confront him on a list that he subscribes to, such as the list his original post was taken from, instead of attacking him behind his back like a bunch of cowards. I don't agree with taking from an artificial reef, what's the point??? But I certainly don't agree with what the vultures on this list are doing. What a pathetic show of cowardness you people display. Hell, most of you post all day every day, indicating that you put very little time into actually diving. Of course, if it were not for you people cyber diving your lives away, the waters would be too crowded for those of us that do actually dive. Pathetic indeed!

Just my 2 cents! :)
scuba james.
Welcome to ScubaBoard, where the users are not afraid of pointing out unethical and unsafe practices.
The pointing out of things stopped way back at the beginning of this thread, what you people are doing is bashing someone behind their back. At least confront Mr. Sleppy on the list that he posted to. He didn't post to scubaboard, why would you attack him on scubaboard. Again... pathetic!

Mr Sleppy has been e-mailed this link as had Capt Tim. Capt Tim at least had the temerity to discuss this with us. Most of those who you singled out either asked Mr Sleppy themselves, or asked me to do it for them: which I did.

The issue is an important one to ALL divers. If this is allowed to continue, then we may lose any additional ships to create artificial reefs.
Diver Dennis,
If you, mike s and the rest of the folks on this list want to hear from Mr. Sleppy then why don't you confront him on a list that he subscribes to, such as the list his original post was taken from, instead of attacking him behind his back like a bunch of cowards. I don't agree with taking from an artificial reef, what's the point??? But I certainly don't agree with what the vultures on this list are doing. What a pathetic show of cowardness you people display. Hell, most of you post all day every day, indicating that you put very little time into actually diving. Of course, if it were not for you people cyber diving your lives away, the waters would be too crowded for those of us that do actually dive. Pathetic indeed!

Just my 2 cents! :)
scuba james.
That is very funny ... :lol: ... want your change?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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