SB'ers on Cozumel in JUNE '09

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Im outta here too. Driving down to Houston tonight and catching the first flight out in AM. See yall next week!
I've been such a slacker... I was hoping to get a new one out before today. Here is the latest. Seems to have been a surge in people going with 14 additions! Well it's officially here... it's JUNE! Too bad I've got to wait until the end of the month to go. :crying: Ya'll have fun!

We'll be staying at and diving with Blue Angel June 24-29.
Oh man! Leaving for my first trip to Coz early in the morning from Omaha. I feel like a little kid going to Disney for the first time. Having a hard time sleeping. Unintentionally woke up early this morning, can't stop thinking of all the things that need to be done before we go. Staying at El Cid La Ceiba and diving with Blue Angel.
Oh man! Leaving for my first trip to Coz early in the morning from Omaha. I feel like a little kid going to Disney for the first time. Having a hard time sleeping. Unintentionally woke up early this morning, can't stop thinking of all the things that need to be done before we go. Staying at El Cid La Ceiba and diving with Blue Angel.

See ya down there- we leave Thursday!!! Staying and diving with Blue Angel!

Jean in MO
I decided to dive with Scuba Mau. After emailing and calling several places that either sent me the same formed response to my questions, no response or clueless as to what I was talking about (kept trying to sign me up for a single tank night dive even when asked about the PADI night dive specialty course). my hubby called Scuba Mau and talked to Opal. That gal's got it going on! Sweet as can be and very knowledgable. So I'm signed up for diving June 15-20 daytime dives and the PADI night dive course. We're staying at Park Royal. Would love to have a dive buddy for the week if anyone is interested. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!
Hello all,

My family will be staying at the Melia from the 27th - 4th and then moving on down to the Park Royal from the 4th - 11th. My kids just got their O/W Certs and I can't wait to share my love of diving Coz with them. We're all looking forward to seeing the whale sharks while we're there.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the "Best Margarita in Coz" thread and Places to eat (in Coz) thread, I can see that we'll be busy when not diving.

I really need to stop reading these threads because we don't leave for three more weeks and reading about it just makes me want to go NOW...................
We just got home from Cozumel. As always, it was a wonderful vacation. I had 12 dives. Noteworthy sites included two nurse sharks, two lionfish, (bad news....I sure hope Cozumel can eradicate them.) several turtles, two octopus and three squid.

Dive sites were: San Clemente, Dalilah, Tormentos, Palancar Horseshoe and the shore across from Hotel Cozumel and Resort.
Since I don't trust Yahoo, I think whomever is currently down there during the month of June should post a daily weather report for those of us back here at home.

I will take responsibility for the task from the 22nd (maybe start on the 23rd) through the 27th.

Who's with me??????????

(actually I'm just looking for wind, rain and thundershowers. I know it will me hot and humid)
Two lionfish?! Locations reported to the Park? Fish captured by a DM?
You hope "Cozumel" can eradicate them... We are all "Cozumel" in this cooperative effort!

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