Scuba diving on the "Today" show...

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I just got this from the folks at DEMA, and thought I would pass it along. If you are interested, please vote. If not, disregard... :wink:


Help us show the world that diving is fun, exciting and the adventure of a lifetime ...
VOTE in The Today Show's "Live for Today" contest.

Live for Today is a new Today Show segment focusing on what people think are life's most valuable and extraordinary experiences, and lists 50 things to do before you die. The list includes Dive the Great Barrier Reef, Feed the Sharks and Swim with Dolphins.

Click on the following link to vote for the top five things you'd like to do, making sure to include the three diving related choices.

During the month of May the show's anchors will participate in those experiences that were the top vote getters.

Pass this e-mail along to everyone you know - help us spread the word that diving is a truly unique and wondrous experience.
No riding a Litre class sport bike around a race track, nor is there anything about jumping into a Double Black (or higher) run with at least a 10 foot cornice drop in. shame, they are 2 of the most amazing things I have ever done (and will do again, and again...)
diving the Reef(done), skydiving (on my list), Explore Alaska (on list), fly a plane (on my list), and white water rafting 9on th elist) wer emy picks.

Not really sur eI want to "feed sharks" not out of fear, just not sure it's such a hot idea to feed wild animals. Of course, having sharks thinking "food" every time they see a diver is kinda scary..

nor is there anything about jumping into a Double Black (or higher) run with at least a 10 foot cornice drop in.

Afraid those days are over for me ... but if that's what floats your boat you should take a trip to New Hampshire (USA) sometime between late April and late May and take a hike up the slope of Mt. Washington to Tuckerman Ravine. You get to hike up the headwall with your skis, but the drop over the rim and ride down the headwall is memorable.

As for the list, I picked ...

- Dive the Great Barrier Reef (someday)
- Travel the Nile in Egypt (planned for 2006)
- Walk the Inca trail at Maccu Picchu
- Explore a Rain Forest (already done some, would like to do more)
- Explore the Alaskan wilderness (been to Denali, want to see more)

Other things on the list I've already done ...

- Watch whales migrate (on both coasts of the USA)
- Go white water rafting (ditto ... both in upstate Maine and in Washington state)
- Stroll along the Great Wall of China (a better description would be the Great Staircase)
- Learn to be a cowboy (actually, I wrote a story about that experience)
- Gaze upon a magnificent waterfall (lots of those out here)
- Conquer a fear (don't we all?)
- Eat a cheeseburger in paradise (and will be doing it again next week in Roatan)
- Experience weightlessness (every time I go diving)

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hmmm... they didn't list "dive all 7 continents," find a true love, or even create world peace but I voted anyway!

Dr. Bill
For me, they didn't list "learn to be a mermaid", "explore New Zealand", or "spend a week in the wilderness alone" either.....but I voted too.
Done. the other two I selected were horseback ride along a beach and eat a cheesedburger in paradise. I just like water and warm tropical places
I voted.

I'll be at AKR in Roatan 5/21-28, so I will get to dive, ride horseback on a beach, dive, experience weightlessness, dive, swim with the dolphins, dive, and hopefully eat a cheeseburger in paradise. Guess I'll carry my Buffet CDs just in case I only get to hear "Cheeseburger in Paradise."
I would think Palau or the Red Sea would rate higher than the Great Barrier Reef but who am I to say? So I voted for GBR anyway.

Cairns is on my list of places to go, in fact. I am thinking that a live-aboard trip complete with nitrox would be the best way to get in more diving and to avoid the hour-long boat rides each way out to the reef.

Auzzies definitely have it too good, compared with the rest of the world.
Wow...I feel lucky (blessed, fortunate) that I've done a few of those already!

The highlight was the visit to the Oval Office, but the Cheeseburger in Paradise is a close second! Every time I dive I feel weightless! I've been in a hot air balloon, played in an orchestra (ok..high school, but it WAS an orchestra!) and have seen a great waterfall.

great list of stuff!

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