Sea Sickness?!

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I'm fortunate, in that I rarely have any challenges with this problem, but for those who do - I found this on the net. I cannot vouch for the information, but it looks good enough to pass along:

Mal Del Mer

Sea Sickness Prevention and Treatment

Mark R. Anderson, M.D. 2000


Here are my personal but hopefully flexible seasickness recommendations.

Above all use what has been helpful in the past whether it is meds, wrist bands, meditation, ginger or whatever. There is a great deal of variance in whether people like to start a voyage on an empty or full stomach. Generally you should avoid alcohol and heavy fatty meals before the voyage. Practically everyone develops a resistance to motion sickness within three days so the preventative medications are generally only needed for the first 1-3 days of a voyage.

1st line:


Scopolamine: The patches that last for three days are again available. Do not cut them since rupturing the blister of medication will lead to irregular absorbtion with increased chance of toxicity. If the patches aren't available, there are some compounding pharmacies that can make a scopolamine gel that is placed on the skin under a plastic cover. The gel only lasts 6-8 hrs..

Various antihistamines:

1st choice due to less side effects: Meclizine, 12.5 to 25 mg. every 24 hrs. Up to 25 mg. every 6 hrs.. This is available over the counter (OTC) as Bonine and Dramamine II . The prescriptive form is Antivert . Oddly, the half strength (12.5 mg.) form is only available by prescription.

2nd choice: Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine ) or diphenhydramine (Benadryl ) 25 - 50 mg. every 4-6 hrs. BTW, dimenhydrinate turns into diphenhydramine under the influence of stomach acid, so to carry both would be unnecessary.

3rd choice: (only's not available in the US and I've no experience with it) - cinnarizine (Sturgeron and others). This has an excellent reputation by those who have used it.

Add pseudoephedrine (Sudafed and others), 15-30 mg. every 4-6 hrs. if drowsiness is a problem. This should be avoided with a history of high blood pressure, heart irregularities and in combination with certain other drugs, esp. MAO inhibitor type antidepressants.

Stay on deck and watch the horizon.

2nd line:


The above antihistamines if they are able to be retained, i.e. not thrown up.

Take the helm and watch the horizon, or lay on the cabin sole in mid boat w/eyes closed.

Sips of clear non-carbonated beverages. Perhaps ginger tea. A way of getting ginger into you even if you're vomiting is to just hold a slice of fresh ginger root within your mouth between your teeth and cheek.

3rd line:

Desparate measures:

Promethazine (Phenergan ) - 25 mg. suppository every 4 hrs. as needed and lie down. Up to 50 mg. suppos. every 3 hrs. Promethazine pills are also available, as are shots but I basically don't recommend this drug unless you're already not able to take pills, and few people will want to carry injectable meds.

I don't recommend promethazine for prevention unless you know that the others don't work. Be especially cautious of sedation. The other antihistamine side effects may also occur. (See below.) There's an additional rather rare side effect of promethazine, (and other phenothiazine type drugs) that is called a dystonic reaction. In the most severe case you get an oculogyric crisis. Mild symptoms would be restlessness and difficulty controlling your eyes and or tongue. The full blown crisis finds the victim with the whole body in spasm with the neck and back arched, the tongue protruding, eyes rolled back, and barely able to speak. It's frightening but fortunately not directly dangerous. It can also be cured within seconds if given IV 50 mg. diphenhydramine, wihin 5-15 min. if the drug is given IM and 30-90 min. if given orally. It can recur over a few days so the diphenhydramine may need to be repeated every 4-6 hrs

Promethazine has some effect on lowering the seizure threshold of someone w/ epilepsy so this caution should be added, but it's often more a theoretical than a practical limitation.

4th line:

(assuming IV's aren't available) - Go ashore and sit under a tree.

The primary risk of severe sea sickness is dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. This can generally be prevented and treated by taking frequent sips of a clear liquid diet. This should consist of a variety of fluids such as flat 7-Up , ginger ale, apple juice, Gator-Ade , etc.. Using a variety of fluids counteracts the problem that none of them are ideal by themselves. Pedialyte solution is excellent by itself, if you happen to have it. A pretty well balanced solution similar to the World Health Organization's oral rehydration solution can be mixed up with common ingredients.

Oral Rehydration Solution: Please see the rehydration formula and instructions in my Cruising Medical Kit.

Antihistamine problems:

Contraindications and cautions: High blood pressure, glaucoma, prostatic enlargement.

Side-effects: Drowsiness, dry mouth, goose bumps, blurred vision, chills, urinary retention, hallucinations: roughly in order of decreasing frequency. There are prescription antihistamines with a much lower likelihood of drowsiness, but they are also less reliable in their effectiveness for allergic reactions so I presume they'd be less reliable for motion sickness. Your own experience with these medications, (e.g. Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, Hismanal) should guide your use. Please be aware that some of these newer medications can have life-threatening reactions when combined with certain antibiotics (e.g. erythromycin) and antifungals (e.g. ketoconazole), or if taken in excessive doses.

Mark Anderson, M.D.
I don't really need this but I'm sure my girlfriend will appreciate it. Thanks for posting.
For those of you that use patches with Scopolamine HBr, be careful if any of them are ruptured. If you get even a tiny amount (i.e. can't be seen) on your finger (and yes even if it's diluted) and then rub your eye, you will get "Big Eye". Your pupil cannot constrict, levaing you looking very odd with one pupil dilated to the maximum and the other constricted to the normal size. Aside from looking wierd:martian: , it can also be dangerous. So make sure if it happens, you flush thoroughly with water and wear the darkest sunglasses possible and try to stay out of bright light util it goes away. It usually clears up anywhere from a few hours to the next day. Be safe! :kitty:
...And scopolamine tends to make your pupils dilate anyway, and it makes my vision a little blurry sometimes. I find that I have to take out my contacts if I want to read. It's weird.
I looked at the insert thingy and at the chemical structure, it looks to me to be chemically similar to some opiate drugs like morphine, (I am not a chemist, nor do I play one on TV), so I guess the eye thing is not a big shocker, nor is the fact that you have to get an Rx to get the stuff in the first place.
Despite the side effects, I still use it for long trips, and plan on it when I go on the Blackbeard's cruise I am booked for in November. I like it because it does not cause me to become drowsy like Dramamine does, and I don't have to take those icky, bitter pills every day.
dandydon once bubbled...

Various antihistamines:

1st choice due to less side effects: Meclizine, 12.5 to 25 mg. every 24 hrs. Up to 25 mg. every 6 hrs.. This is available over the counter (OTC) as Bonine and Dramamine II . The prescriptive form is Antivert . Oddly, the half strength (12.5 mg.) form is only available by prescription.

Just some added information FWIW. I tend to get a bit sea sick when I do boats (not a good thing for an instructor that likes boat diving). Bonine works well for me if I take the first dose (2 pills) the night before I will be on the boat and then a second dose an hour or so before boarding the boat the next day. Never had any problems with the extra doses. When I first started using Bonine, I took it a couple of hours before the boat left. It helped some but there was still some of that edgy feeling. Doing the night before routine has eliminated all of it.

Hope that is some help to those of you in the same boat. :)
I just had my first ever bout of motion sickness a week ago... I think...

It may have been more due to a possibly not fully ripe bannana for breakfast though.

I dunno.

All I know is that I felt fine till the SI between the 1st and 2nd dive and then suddenly was very ill for about 5 minutes and then felt fine again.

The swells were decent size and over half the divers on the boat got sick that day so I don't feel too bad about it. :wink:

From what I've heard, ANYONE can get seasick, even if you've never been before and have lots of "boat time".
I was discharged from the Coast Guard for seasickness.....been there, done that.

I'm allergic to scop, and diphenhydrinate puts me to sleep while I'm "womiting". The only thing I've found that works marginally for me, is meclizine and getting amidship with eyes closed. When I get that "funny feeling", I signal my buddy and he takes over. I ditch my gear and head amidship, cover myself up with a towel, and get in a tight ball with my eyes closed. It works for me and I ride it out till I get back to port. My buddy picks up after me and when he's got all gear stowed he checks on me for water or whatever I may need. We've been doing this for about 5 years now and it works well.

When I was in the CG they use to give us "pinks & blues" our slang for phenergan and ephedrine. way we're getting ephedrine now!!
(Big note, I didn't see where this article was posted originally, but you don't know if the good Doc who wrote it had any thoughts towards diving when writing it.)

One note on Scopolamine, it tends to have a similar effect as if you had a drink or two. If you were dependent on Scop to make a trip enjoyable etc, definately try it before you leave so you know the effects before you get on a boat.

Hopefully one of the docs will chime on on the possible effects of Scop on diving, one big no-no I've *heard* is diving with the patch on, and that the patch getting wet increases the absorbtion rate. I don't know either of these last two for sure, but I'd say its would be a VERY good idea to talk to a doctor knowledgeable in diving regarding the proper use of scop patches & diving.
I too had my first motion sickness 2 week ago... ;-(
I never had motion sickness before and that was the 1st time and the feeling sure dun feel good at all though I din :puke: and to make thing worst, I'm stucked on the boat for 4 hours and I was rolled from left to right. Luckily the sea breeze and the horizon help me though the 4 hours :D

My guess is it must be the food I took before departure , French fries, all those deep fried food , they are simply irresistable:eek:ut:

I'm wondering :hmmmer: , will it help by taking those medication only after I have those feeling (motion sickness), cos I dun really like the idea of taking medication when I'm fine and seriously I don't think I'm prone to motion sickness
animian2002 once bubbled...
I'm wondering :hmmmer: , will it help by taking those medication only after I have those feeling (motion sickness), cos I dun really like the idea of taking medication when I'm fine and seriously I don't think I'm prone to motion sickness

If you have it bad (been there done that) any of the meds you take by mouth may not stay down long enough to help. I have seen people put on a scopolamine patch after getting sick and recover in about a half hour , but I dont know if that is usual.
Chris Joens

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