Seeking advise from the Pros

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go on to technical diving.

If you think $1500 for all your equipment is expensive, then I have some sad news for you...

My comment about your current experience level would go double for technical diving.

Good luck

Agreed. It's gonna cost you to move to tech. But the stuff you buy for tech diving will last you until you go to the old folks home, and then you can use your tanks for O2 bottles. :)

You definitley need more experience before doing any serious tech diving.

A note on the $1500: if you get it right the first time, you should be able to get a very nice recreational setup for this amount, and have some left over. I didn't see it in your list, but one thing you should definitley get is a light. I suggest the Ikelite PCa, it's really small and very powerful. And it's cheap.
I had wanted such a system as well but as my dive school goes. these equipment would confuse many of our students. And would make teaching or even assisting an instr rather difficuilt. thats why they recommended the transpec as a compromise . sort of inbetween.
But thanks for all your advise. This place such saves me a lot of time researching .
Do you need to read some br... from the manufactures?? I have tons of it right now.. I happen to be in Singapore right now till early sept. If you want to meet up, i could meet you. I could recommend a tech diver who has lots of experience for you to ask.

I think AI is good but it can fail in some overhead situations especially when the transducer cannot read the wrist mount in some instances. So you might want to reconsider..
How's the DM training in Singapore? i just finish mine two weeks ago?? See ya
I don't think the bp/w setup itself would be a problem. You'd still have a weight belt and inflator hose like all the rest did. Basically the only difference in the Traspac and a bp/w is you've got a few more snaps and a pocket. (BTW, they make pockets for the waist strap or your thigh if you need one)
meet up? such thing.. I would be diving this weekend though. Next week? you still awake ???? it's close to 4 am in the morning here now ...
in which case why not the transpec than? I was advised against it by almost all the instrs and DMs i know. they said i was good for tech but for instructional purpose a little inappropiate.

also i dun usually use a suit at all. I am pretty resistant to cold. with the metal back plate wouldn't it hurt the back without any suit?
I can't really comment much on the DM training since i am only expose to one type here. haha but my school emphazis a lot on practical sessions here. we have dives almost all weekends and pools on weekdays. plenty of oppounity to learn here. they basically threw me into a DM role from day one and rotated me to different instrs for exposure.

it was like 3 years since i last dived and i was thrust right into assisting my instr from day one. have to learn fast here. the free trips are good though hahaha
About the plate: It's smooth metal, so it's not going to poke you or dig in. When you buy a complete Halcyon package, they throw in a Storage Pak, which is a thing that goes on you backplate, kind of a layer of cloth that is used to store a safety sausage or lift bag, it also will pad the plate a little.

Your course sounds kind of like some trips I've been on with my favorite dive operator in the BVI. When the boat is really packed (rarely) with newbies, me and my sister usually get asked to help out with the boat and with keeping everyone safe underwater.

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