Shark Week Phobia

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Any Great Whites in the Bahamas?

I need to quit watching Shark Week by the way, this is nuts!
Sharks have just gotten a very bad rap... And there is too many humans on this planet so we need to be thinned out!:D

:D Well technically when a species gets over populated we have open season to thin them out. Don't want to get over run by them. Sharks said they are getting over run. Time to thin down the humans :lol:
Sharks can see about as good as you can in murky water. There is no reason for concern. Sharks are just animals, animals do animal things. When a shark does attack a human, (not very often), all it is, is a case of mistaken identity.

Well, call me crazy, (don't worry, you won't be the first) but if I start to get cold and my body shivers, I think it's wise to get out of the water and move to another spot. I believe that this could be a dangerous situation because when I spear fish and they do their death "shiver", it's a shark magnet. Those little shock waves travel far and fast and many a curious, and hungry, sharks will come check it out....looking for a bite to eat. The problem is if he's BIG.
Well, call me crazy, (don't worry, you won't be the first) but if I start to get cold and my body shivers, I think it's wise to get out of the water and move to another spot. I believe that this could be a dangerous situation because when I spear fish and they do their death "shiver", it's a shark magnet. Those little shock waves travel far and fast and many a curious, and hungry, sharks will come check it out....looking for a bite to eat. The problem is if he's BIG.

A show I saw on shark week said that they link scuba divers get bit when they are spear fishing. Its a your eating my food type of thing. They dont mind if your swimming but if your eating my food. Guess that shiver signal they send out can attract sharks for a long way. I dont remember the number but remember thinking that was far. So if you see someone spear fishing. Swim the other direction :D
I've never had a shark follow me around the way barracudas do. I've done a shark feed dive off of Roatan and never felt threatened. And when I see reef sharks cruising the walls in the Cayman Islands they never pay any attention to me.

Barracudas are a different story.

I was snorkeling in the British Virgin Islands and was just happily floating, quite still, watching a sergeant major guard his nest when I felt a touch on my elbow. When I turned to see what it was, the small barracuda that was checking me out a little too closely took off, slapping me with its tail.

Just recently I was diving off the coast of Georgia in low visibility, where the barracudas (large ones at that) would materialize out of the murk like malevolent ghosts, then disappear, only to reappear a few moments later.

I don't know if statistics are kept on barracuda bites, though I'll wager that more people get bitten by barracudas than by sharks. "Barracuda Week" probably wouldn't bring in the viewers and advertisers the way "Shark Week" does, because nobody has ever died from a barracuda bite -- and that just ain't as sexy.
Fish Wrangler:
I've never had a shark follow me around the way barracudas do. I've done a shark feed dive off of Roatan and never felt threatened. And when I see reef sharks cruising the walls in the Cayman Islands they never pay any attention to me.

Barracudas are a different story.


Yeah, they are sneaky b**tards. You look at them and they'll move off a bit. You look away for 5 seconds and they're back. They run off if you aim a gun at them though. But I've never had one swim around me like a bull shark, who is letting me know who's in charge down there.
Fish Wrangler:
I don't know if statistics are kept on barracuda bites, though I'll wager that more people get bitten by barracudas than by sharks.

Sorry, but that's just silly. I know of exactly one person who was bitten by a Barracuda.

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