TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - February 11-18

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
More rain, Paul Humann, V-Day, & more
(please scroll down for details)
Congrats to the Chiefs. (Although it seemed like a slow game for three quarters that then that had a phenomenally exciting finish.) And now baseball spring training begins . . .


ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN - Just when you think the worst is behind us, you look at the forecast and realize we've got another storm headed our way, supposedly starting next Saturday (2/17) and lingering for a number of days. So hopefully you got out this weekend or will be able to get out this week at some point, because it looks like the El Niño is going to hit the fan again. (Unclear on how or if this will affect the Avalon Underwater Cleanup on 2/24.) And even though the last storm caused many problems, it could have been a LOT worse. There have been numerous stories in the L.A. Times about how the design of the L.A. River and rain and flood diversion projects made the impacts much less than they had been during past big storms. One they keep pointing to happened in 1938, before the river was made into a concrete channel and damage was widespread. Did you know that at the mouth of the river in Long Beach, the flow was 65,000 cubic feet of water . . . PER SECOND??? That's 5.6 BILLION cubic feet of water each day. Impressive. And engineers say the river can actually deal with three times that amount (and I would certainly hope we never have to put that to the test).

PERSPECTIVE - The average home swimming pool contains about 2,500cf of water. So this daily capacity of the river is somewhat akin to emptying out (or filling up) 2.2 million home pools each day. Yikes!!!

WATCH THE BEACHES - But even with all of this rainwater being diverted, if you're doing any shore diving this week, see if you can get a read on the water quality before you take the plunge. There are two places you can go for this info:
L.A. County Dept. of Public Health -
Heal the Bay Beach Report Card (you can zoom in or out on the map) -

PAUL HUMANN HAS DIED - If his name is not immediately familiar to you, his work probably is as Paul was co-author on all of the New World Publishing fish ID books that we use for our Fish ID course and just about every dive shop sells and most dive boats around the world have a copy for their region. Paul was a big believer in the idea that if you took time to learn how to dive, shouldn't you also take time to learn about what it is that you're seeing? Paul died peacefully at his home in Florida at the age of 86.​
MALDIVES 2025 - We normally don't schedule trips more than a year out but, for various reasons I won't bore you with, we've actually got back-to-back trips booked for the Manthiri in the Maldives for September of 2025. We had a fabulous trip in 2023 and the idea of timing this for September is that it should give us the opportunity to run a Northern itinerary on one trip and a Southern itinerary on the other. So for anyone interested in doing back-to-back trips (and there are a few), you won't have to do the same itinerary twice. We're giving those who were on the 2023 trip right-of-first refusal for Trip 1, Trip 2, or both, but if you'd like to get more info on this, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll fill you in on the details. For those who can take time off and afford it - it's certainly not cheap - doing back-to-back trips really gets the most bang out of the airfare as well as immerses you in some of the best diving that the ocean has to offer.

I'M NOT A FAN OF SHARK WEEK - I like the idea that Discovery is willing to present good information about sharks but I've been dismayed in recent years to see that they've gone from presenting a really good message about conservation and why sharks are important to our oceans to more of a sensational sharks-will-kill-you theme. So I was especially interested to read this article in "The Conversation" which expresses some of the same concerns I have and also offers some solutions on how to fix those issues: SHARK WEEK PROBLEMS & HOW TO FIX THEM.

THIS WEDNESDAY - It's Valentine's Day in case you forgot. Make sure you've got your bases covered.

And that'll do it for now. Have a great week let's go diving soon!!!

- Ken

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