Split Fins in Strong Current and on Surface?

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After reading many posts of laments and praises about the various splitfins, is it fair to conclude this?
- Split fins don't work too well in strong currents
- Split fins don't work too well on the surface

I dived with the Quattros since day 1. After the birth of the splits, I have been itching to switch. Unfortunately, LDSs in Singapore do not allow you to try the fins before buying. I'm considering the Apollo Biofin Pro XT and SP Twin-jets. However, if the above two conclusion are experienced and agreed by most, I would rather stick with my faithful Quattros.
I think you're being way too limiting in your conclusions. A more accurate description is:

- Split fins don't work too well
I own Plana Avanti Quattros and SP Twin-jets.

- Split fins don't work too well in strong currents

I've been in some current, and the twin-jets worked fine for me.

- Split fins don't work too well on the surface

Again, my twin-jets worked fine for me

The only thing I don't care about the jets is the strap mechanism. I intend on getting the spring straps...someday.
- Split fins don't work too well

Never tried them have you?

I always beat (usually by a significant margin) everybody on a surface swim.

I've personally have never had a problem in a current, but then again I tend to stay away from swimming into a current no matter what fins I'm wearing.

The only real disadvantage I've heard of them is that you can't fin backwards in them. Since I can't fin backwards anyway, this isn't a problem for me.

I got really bad leg cramp on my first few dives. Since I bought the fins I've never had leg cramp.

I wear scubapro twin jets (black - apparently the different colours make a difference)
Never tried them have you?

Actually, I've tried more than one brand several different times.

They give little thrust. They are not good with a variety of kicks. They give you no fine control.
They give little thrust. They are not good with a variety of kicks. They give you no fine control.

FACT: I swim faster with less energy used underwater and on the surface in my split fins.

You can theorise all you want, but at the end of the day I know what works for me.
I think it is safe to say that TX101 likes split fins and feels that they work for him/her.

Personally I agree with Walter... after having tried three different brands. Split fins do not provide the *traction* for immediate thrust and precise control.

As for reverse kicks using split fins... it can be done... but no where as efficiently nor as easily as with paddle type fins.
I think you can conclude that different fins work/don't work for different people. It can be difficult (and expensive) to find what works for you.


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