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Recently I spent a month on the island of Utila, off the North coast of Honduras, while I was there I decided to finally get my open water cert. The island has many dive shops to choose from, it can make you dizzy trying to decide, lucky for me I met a gentleman on the way down the hill from the airfield and we began talking about good places to for me to start my diving experience, he named a few, but he described one with great enthusiasm which stuck in my head.... Deep Blue Divers. After about a week on the island, getting settled and all, it was time. I walked into Deep Blue and instantly felt at home. They are dedicated to what they do, and not worried about having a party scene just to get you in there or any other shifty gimmicks, it's all about learning to dive and having a great time with great people. The atmosphere, regardless of below or above water, is relaxed and unpretentious. I ended up not only doing my open water but also the advanced and many other dives after that. I can't thank the group at Deep Blue enough!!!
Welcome to the ScubaBoard! and glad the Deep Blue Divers made you feel and home, just like all LDS's should....Congrats on your cert.!
Congratulation on your OW certification
Welcome to :sblogo:
:wave-smil :wave-smil

Howdy and welcome to SB!

It does help with discussions if you complete your Profile. And it's even more fun when you load an Avatar (personal pic for each post) and a Profile pic. See UserCP to access these if you'd like to...? :wink:

If you haven't yet, click Forums above and start going thru the list - looking for those of interest to you, especially your local dive club. Click the link in my Sig below to PM me if I can help you around here..

:cowboy: don
it's all about learning to dive and having a great time with great people.
It's kinda like that on SB too! Welcome aboard eeman21, nice to have you here. :)
Sounds like you had a great time!! Congrats and welcome to ScubaBoard!!
Thanks eeman21 for your kind words, we are all glad you had such a good time with us here at Deep Blue. Enjoy your future diving, come back and see us some time.

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