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The Chairman

Chairman of the Board
Reaction score
Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
For four wonderful years... Our first site was created July 13, 2000 by Tech Admin. The Staff and Moderators of Scuba Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all 28,500 of our users for making us what we are today...

the largest dive community on the Internet!

Lets take some time and ponder what this place has meant to you and where you want us to go!
Happy Birthday.... to us
Happy Birthday.... to us

Wow, don't you just love this place?
This has been a great place to meet new friends and learn about different diving techniques and destinations. Happy birthday Scubaboard!
Ber :lilbunny:
the largest dive community on the internet!
Diving?! Is that what we're supposed to be talking about? Oooops.. :wink:
Very good. Happy Birthday to Scubaboard.
Not only the largest, but also the best!!!

I am a very new member of this board, just joined a couple of week ago and Instead of working I am spending a lot of time here watching what new on the board. So I’ d like to congratulate with the creator and all staff of this scubaboard.

Very very addicting.

But diving is or is not an addicting passion???

Happy birthday Scubaboard

Happy birthday to ScubaBoard!

And thanks to the Admins, Mods and fellow users for making this place work the way it does. I'm also a relative newbie (well, 7 months or so), and I've been calling the Board home for a while now.

What a great way to meet fellow divers!

Safe ascents to all,
I'm new but the board has been a great help to me in finding out more about diving. From getting advice on where to dive in Cozumel to what equipment to buy. Everyone (almost) is helpful and I know I have already enjoyed diving more because Scubaboard exists. Thanks for your hard work to bring this forum to us.

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