The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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Here's some of the video from the last few days. I let youtube pick the audio tracks, but it seems like it might take a little while for the change. Until then you're stuck with the sound of the strobe arms and my breathing. Be sure to click the HQ button.

Hey great pics! Thanks for posting them!

Thanks Next I will learn to get them all into one post (It said the size was too big but then took them anyway) & I will learn to put them as "real" pictures instead of thumbnails so when I take a photo of the lobster that is legal by a week it will be thisBIG instead of this big

Thank you again for a great day

YEAH Videos They are great
Hi Kev, We are diving the 1pm with you and your crew for the first time. I'm a big fan of this thread and look forward to meeting you. Excellent video, however i'm more a fan of your still work.

Very nice
i'm more a fan of your still work.


Yeah, me too.

Hey, great meeting and diving with you today! Thanks for coming!

Here's some stuff about today:

We had a moderate north current that became strong in the afternoon, and about 50 foot viz throughought the day. The water alternayed between a brownish 71 degree mass and a blueish 72 degreee mass throughout the day, the brown water was on the bottom.

Some of the pictures I took yesterday came out okay, but I can't put them up at least until I get home, and I may not have time to again tonight... we'll see what time I get done filling tanks. Unfortunately, I flooded the camera I was testing, so no pics for today. I suck.
Just dove with Kevin yesterday and had an excellent time. I am just getting back into diving after a few years off and he was very helpful and made me feel completely comfortable.

PS: tasdiver - Kevin made it a point to show us the small "blemish" on the deck
Just dove with Kevin yesterday and had an excellent time. I am just getting back into diving after a few years off and he was very helpful and made me feel completely comfortable.

PS: tasdiver - Kevin made it a point to show us the small "blemish" on the deck

Hey it was fun diving with you man, thanks for coming!

Here are some of the pics from the Spooky Friday the 13th dive. The camera that I was testing really took awesome pics, too bad I flooded it the next day. I Suck.


Here is Tas Diver on the Tony... Note the hole in the deck just to the left of her light beam.


A very laid back loggerhead. I think that Doug got some good video of it.


The Diving Preacher king of the worlding on the Tony.


One of the resident Goliaths out and about.


If you ever wonder where they disappear too... it's right here, usually anyway, in the engine room.


H20 big pimpin' in his new dub's. Looking good Dave!


Visiting from Astoria was SiberMike. Here he is peering into the doghouse skylights.


The Diving Preacher.

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