Tipping your DM

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So tell me then...what, in your opinion, is a "living wage"? How much is it? How many does it support?

So those that have gone to college, or earned advanced training, do they start with the living wage as their new "zero" or do they loose that dollar amount and thus lessen the worth of their education and training?

Do we adjust this "living wage" to accommodate location? Can we prevent businesses from raising prices to cover this increased cost or is this another mandate that one group of people support another.

Finally....service workers are NOT "underpaid" in a free market economy, they are paid what their job is worth. Why is that so hard for so many to grasp?
why is it so hard to understand is because some do not have slavery minds like yours. Lets face it as much as I love the conservative movement they are rather snobbish when it comes to money. They got their money somehow and I can tell you that a lot of it was on the backs of hard workers. the minimum wage is a joke and most of your retail pays near that scale. Unfortuantely in todays job market most of the jobs were allowed to go over seas to where they can get away with poor wages and terrible working conditions and pollution.. I am also not excited by the over regulations that cause many to throw thier hands up in the air. So what kind of jobs are left? No one can live off of min. wage. nor can they really live off of 10.00 an hour. 15.00 an hour is rough still. If you chhose not to live off of a partner like many get married just to survive than you are really hurting. I suggest that this commenter has never had to try and live off of some of the wages that are offered out there . And also to the fat cats liveing high on the hog making millions or stealing it from the backs of the honest hard worker, there day will come!!!!!!!!!!
I dive in Jersey all the time. I don't need help with my gear but if I do I am sure I would get
anything needed! I also tip $5/ tank /dive. $20 for the two dives! I also have been know to
buy a case of good beer for the crew, they do clean any catch and package it for easy travel. They partake when they don't have a second trip! I appreciate their effort and they surely don't mind when I board the vessel!
See you topside! John
why is it so hard to understand is because some do not have slavery minds like yours. Lets face it as much as I love the conservative movement they are rather snobbish when it comes to money. They got their money somehow and I can tell you that a lot of it was on the backs of hard workers. the minimum wage is a joke and most of your retail pays near that scale. Unfortuantely in todays job market most of the jobs were allowed to go over seas to where they can get away with poor wages and terrible working conditions and pollution.. I am also not excited by the over regulations that cause many to throw thier hands up in the air. So what kind of jobs are left? No one can live off of min. wage. nor can they really live off of 10.00 an hour. 15.00 an hour is rough still. If you chhose not to live off of a partner like many get married just to survive than you are really hurting. I suggest that this commenter has never had to try and live off of some of the wages that are offered out there . And also to the fat cats liveing high on the hog making millions or stealing it from the backs of the honest hard worker, there day will come!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Hellofva 2nd post!

You make some points, but while I'm not "rich", I can tell you every dime I've made has been the result of my own hard work - I've spent my entire career in sales, and have never exploited anyone (often, I'm the one who has felt exploited, but thats another post).

Whatever success I've enjoyed has come throgh a direct result of my efforts, not on the backs of the "oppressed masses".

I also never had to take a minimum wage job, because I got an education, worked hard, and developed as much talent as the good lord gave me, which allowed me a very comfortable living - but through my own efforts, not through inheritance, or on the backs of anyone else.

Despite our current economic problems, I still have faith in the system that has made our country the best in the world.

Warts, problems, things that could and should be better? Sure; but in my 54 years on this earth I've not seen a system that should replace ours.

And I have faith that the opportunities are still available here in America.
Wow! Hellofva 2nd post!

You make some points, but while I'm not "rich", I can tell you every dime I've made has been the result of my own hard work - I've spent my entire career in sales, and have never exploited anyone (often, I'm the one who has felt exploited, but thats another post).

Whatever success I've enjoyed has come throgh a direct result of my efforts, not on the backs of the "oppressed masses".

I also never had to take a minimum wage job, because I got an education, worked hard, and developed as much talent as the good lord gave me, which allowed me a very comfortable living - but through my own efforts, not through inheritance, or on the backs of anyone else.

Despite our current economic problems, I still have faith in the system that has made our country the best in the world.

Warts, problems, things that could and should be better? Sure; but in my 54 years on this earth I've not seen a system that should replace ours.

And I have faith that the opportunities are still available here in America.
You would fall into the category of the hard worker who is most likely underpaid and basically break your back to work hard to pay the bills and in no way is the wage worth your blood sweat and tears. Most jobs will not pay very well unless you are in a good union or have an expenseive college education. Have you seen the prices lately on college. 7000.00 per semester. I know that I have never really made what I am deserved. Hard working gal who barely make ends meet.
I'd quit.

And all you underpaid boat crew can do the same... or take it up with your boss/captain... , but its bad form to badmouth the Customers (who've ALREADY paid to be there) because of your dissatisfaction.

I work just as hard as any boat crew but society doesnt deem my job worth of tipping (jus' like the Vast majority of jobs out there)...

What an where you are in this world is a culmination of your life choices... Own up to it and take responsibility for yourself instead of blaming those also "work hard or feel underpaid" for not giving you the handout you feel is warranted.

When a tip has become expected it is no longer a tip... it is a Fee, and we've already paid the fee...

Sure maybe Extra service demands extra consideration, but how much "service" does my Fee entitle me to? maybe I dont need you to hold my hand and turn on my air? am I supposed to pay extra for unwanted/un-needed attention?

Its not that I Dont tip... but I HATE feeling pressured to/manipulated to, and the backlash makes me not want to tip at all.
You would fall into the category of the hard worker who is most likely underpaid and basically break your back to work hard to pay the bills and in no way is the wage worth your blood sweat and tears. Most jobs will not pay very well unless you are in a good union or have an expenseive college education. Have you seen the prices lately on college. 7000.00 per semester. I know that I have never really made what I am deserved. Hard working gal who barely make ends meet.

Where the hell are you going to pay 7K per semester?

My wife just finished her Masters and the TOTAL was 15K.

Sorry...but I too am one of those "hard workers" that joined the military at 17, used the GI Bill for college, have had three distinct careers in less than 20 years, and now am doing "well", though I drive 100 miles round trip a day for the job in hellish Atlanta traffic.

My life accomplishments were not built on the backs of anyone but ME! And people that claim this drivel are usually just unwilling to admit that 1) their own choices in life have left them where they are at or 2) that life is NOT "fair" and that sometimes, despite everything, one is handed a shyte sandwich. Again, that is life and it is NOT the role of government to take from one to give to another, or to mandate that basic level service jobs should pay for a "living wage"....again, if you are a cashier at Walmart that is not, and never was, intended to be a job that is a primary bread winner's job.

Oh and life has NOT been rosy all the time for me...I did a tour of combat, been laid off twice, divorced once. Yet somehow I see to keep grinding on and have "made it"...again all on MY back, no one else's.
I dive in Jersey all the time. I don't need help with my gear but if I do I am sure I would get
anything needed! I also tip $5/ tank /dive. $20 for the two dives! I also have been know to
buy a case of good beer for the crew, they do clean any catch and package it for easy travel. They partake when they don't have a second trip! I appreciate their effort and they surely don't mind when I board the vessel!
See you topside! John

On behalf of the captain and the rest of the crew, please allow me to extend an invitation to join us aboard the Gypsy Blood - anytime!


Come dive New Jersey! www.GypsyBloodDive.com
You would fall into the category of the hard worker who is most likely underpaid and basically break your back to work hard to pay the bills and in no way is the wage worth your blood sweat and tears. Most jobs will not pay very well unless you are in a good union or have an expenseive college education. Have you seen the prices lately on college. 7000.00 per semester. I know that I have never really made what I am deserved. Hard working gal who barely make ends meet.

I'm in my last quarter of school. So far I have $5,500 in student loans and have paid around $9000 total. There are a ton of programs to help pay for college. If I had been a better academic student I'd have slightly more debt but not have paid that $9k out of pocket.
I don't expect to make any money as a DM. If I go to the ocean for a "working" dive(s) I am at a loss. No dive shop I am aware of pays a DM more than $100.00 a two day dive checkout. They pay that amount grudgingly. One night in a hotel costs more than that. Plus gas, meals, parking fees. Should a dive shop pay a "living wage" they are out of business shortly, because, quite simply, people are not willing to pay the money required to pay DM's a living wage.

I have been (cash) tipped three times. All tips came from experienced divers who have dived extensivley throughout the world. All were $15.00. All said I did a far better job than what they were used to. That's just bloody sad. I just showed them the sights and gave a little natural history/marine biology thingie presentation. I do get bought a lot of beer, which is not a cash tip, but it is a tip. I usually buy the next round (it's my shout, as far as I'm concerned)

What I got from my three tips goes past the money. $15.00 does not buy lunch, but it does give me satisfaction. I do my job well, I know my sites and I know my marine life, and I love these things. I also love sharing them. No one appreciates anything unless they understand it. Live, love, appreciate and share. Have some fun. Have a sense of humor. Love the ocean and all it's critters.

$15.00 tells me I got that across. Most DM's here never get tipped.

I go on trips, and a day boat gets $25.00, minimum. A multiday liveaboard gets $100.00 minimum. Superior service gets more. Sometimes individuals get extra, privately. Sometimes I send additional when I get home, because I simply did not have the cash on hand.Sometimes if I'm going to a third world economy, I bring gear for tips.

I've tipped my standard, handed the Cap the money and told them the boat sucked and I'd tell everyone and that hits home.

I've never not tipped.

Wow I like your generosity with this tipping; $50 is almost doubling the cost of your charter! We dive a lot, and we suggest to our divers and students to tip $5 per trip (half days) or $10 per day. The tip is split 50-50 between the captain and the crew (only one typically on a 32-pack in the Keys).

We dive a lot, and run trips year round. Just for Key Largo alone, we bring approx 32 divers for 3 days of diving (morning, afternoon and some nights) 8 times a year, so, doing the math, that works out to over 1,500 dive trips a year, and the feedback we get from the crew is how much they appreciate our divers' generosity with tipping. And as the shop owner I'll typically give them an extra $100 each for the weekend, but that is above and beyond.

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