Well I did it... New toys for me! And a couple of BP/Wings Questions.

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MechDiver once bubbled...
Remember something about using it to tow your spare Gavin.
But for those of us who only have one scooter... that is where your buddy hangs on for a tow home after he clips his dead scooter off to his own butt ring.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

But for those of us who only have one scooter... that is where your buddy hangs on for a tow home after he clips his dead scooter off to his own butt ring.

I **really** have a problem feeling sorry for scooter people :D

Where were you over the weekend? We sucked down some He and managed to scare *ell out of the OW students

MechDiver once bubbled...
Where were you over the weekend?
We didn't get to dive Saturday as we spent too much time working at the marina... we took the SS boom off of Uncle Pug (the boat) and cut the SS mast and dropped it to get ready for hauling the boat to Shane's. The plan is to rebuild the house, do some glass work and build up a portable surface supplied membrane nitrox system to get it ready for commercial harvest work. That really messed up the day.

Sunday after Church we went for a short shore dive.

Where were you?
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

Sunday after Church we went for a short shore dive.

Where were you?

Probably about that time heading up I-5 for home. If your vis was like Hood Canal, you didn't miss much not diving.

Jonathan once bubbled...
ziggys_friend are you saying you have two D rings on your crotch strap? Never seen that - what's the rear one for?


Yep, 2 rings ... MechDiver got it in one (err, so to speak).


P.S. If you do tie off a reel to the back ring (is that an ass ring?) ... hummm .... If you're also wearing a weight belt you want to route the crotch strap under the belt so it's ditchable (assuming you're diving ocean). Just a suggestion ... be careful the reel doesn't get caught on the weightbelt ... can't imagine where I learned that ...
I want a reel back there - sounds painful! Doesn't it get in the way? I can understand from an entanglement point-of-view but with mine on the right hip tucked behind the canister I don't think there is much in the way of extra snagging points.

Jonathan once bubbled...
I want a reel back there - sounds painful! Doesn't it get in the way? Jonathan

If you sneak up behind your buddy and let out about 5 feet of line, its almost as good as a scooter :wink:

Ziggys_Friend once bubbled...
P.S. If you do tie off a reel to the back ring (is that an ass ring?) ... hummm .... If you're also wearing a weight belt you want to route the crotch strap under the belt so it's ditchable (assuming you're diving ocean). Just a suggestion ... be careful the reel doesn't get caught on the weightbelt ... can't imagine where I learned that ...

Interesting. While I realize that you're a newly made expert since the weekend I wonder where you learned that a weightbelt goes over the harness. Last I heard it was the opposite. Has that thinking changed?

Please be careful about providing bad info such as recommending 30/30 in 165 feet of water. A DIRF does not qualify one as a trimix diver.

The issue of rear D-rings just came up on Quest. To summarize everything, scooters go on the front ring only, towing is done by the holding on to the strap, and only reels go on the rear ring.

Some people also don't like carrying reels on the rear d-ring in the ocean. Personally I don't but do it on occasion. I'll carry it on the left d-ring without stages and occasionally clipped to a stage neck boltsnap if I'll be taking it off right away.

If I dove rec only I would take it off, but that's just me.
...What the problem is. I keep my spool on the butt ring... And I think it's a great place for it. Admittedly, a spool is much more compact than a reel, but that's a place which is right underneath the tank and is simultanously in the slipstream (causing no additional drag) and out of the way.

Why would it not be a great place for a reel or spool? Outta sight and outta mind until you need it...

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