You know you've been diving too much when....

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Scuba Instructor
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1) You sit at your desk in the office with a spare mouthpiece in your mouth in order to feel "normal"

2) You sleep with your hands clasped over your belly

3) You spit into your sunglasses

4) You equalise when you go down in an elevator

5) You start giving people the OK hand signal when you are on land.

6) If someone on land gives you the thumbs up signal you look at them all confused and ask them if they have a problem.

7) You check your watch and note "time in" before having a bath

8) Instead of a notebook you use a slate to take notes in a buissness meeting.

8) You make sure you are holding your trouser belt at the other end to the buckle.

9) When someone orders pizza you look for an O2 kit (some might not get that one....maybe that should be under ... you know you have been a PADI instructor too long when.... :lol:)

10) You wear your dive computer to work so that when your no dive time is up, you know when to start faking an illness :)

Can any think of any more...... ??

Guilty on more than one count! :)
You know you've been diving too much when......
You take your dive flag with you to the pool
someone hears you fart and you really believe you
are outgassing N
you wear your dive booties on a date
you consider saving your condoms as a cheap
alternative for lift bags
your next car is really a boat
you ask yourself is it possible to live in a boat and
raise a family
you seriously think you can convince her to live on said
last time you had a date with yourself you wondered if
you needed a solo diving certificate to do this
You drive a red car, and are thinking that diagonal stripes would look good.

Your watch has a built in depth gage.

Your wallet is a dive flag.

ALL of your flashlights are good to 500'
no such a thing
bermudaskink once bubbled...
1) You sit at your desk in the office with a spare mouthpiece in your mouth in order to feel "normal"

2) You sleep with your hands clasped over your belly

4) You equalise when you go down in an elevator

5) You start giving people the OK hand signal when you are on land.

9) When someone orders pizza you look for an O2 kit (some might not get that one....maybe that should be under ... you know you have been a PADI instructor too long when.... :lol:)


1) I will try that tomorrow!!!
2) I just noticed I do sleep like this...
4) Damn it... I do this the whole time!
5) I did that to my boss the other day!!! Oh My Gawd...
9)... LOL... I just remembered my IE... We were at the public beach and the examiners made sure we called for PIZZA PIZZA! :)

Good ones!
.......You don't feel completely dressed unless you have a knife strapped to your lower leg under your trousers.

..... You sow D rings onto your shirt and clip all your desk items to them.

......You set the rotating bezel on your watch when you put pizza in the oven

...... After a few beers you tell everyone your narced.

When I am bored again I'll write some more :wink:
OH MY GOSH!! These are soo funny... I am reading them at work and all my office mates think I am crazy.
Please write more!!! :)
..You ask everybody how the visibility was when you meet them..

..You attach your reel before going into a hallway where you have never been before.

..You do the giant stride out of bed. (And into the bathtub, pool, puddle...)

..You constantly check your petrol level, and fill it up before it reaches 50 bar..



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