An open letter to Natasha and Walter...

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The Chairman

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Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Dear friends,

I am writing to inform you that I will have to rethink my participation in any up-coming Wreckmanias... especially if T-shirts are involved.

You see I was sitting patiently at a stop light today (left turn lane) when the lady next to me jumps the gun and pulls out into traffic, and caused a collision with three other cars. Yes, I called 911, and then I went to see who I could help 'till the authorities got there.

The little old lady seemed fine, but looked at me rather suspiciously... she also informed me of how bad the other three drivers were for not stopping in time. The guy in the Dodge next to her was shaken, but fine. The third car (a Nissan) was different... there was blood all over the place. The fourth driver was checking things out too, and seemed fine

So I stopped at the Nissan and started to help... she had hit the steering wheel with her face (no seat belt) and was bleeding profusely from several cuts and her nose was just pouring. I got her to stem the bleeding from her nose, as I used a towel next to her to apply pressure to her cheek... then see said it...

"You've got to be kidding!" she said

"About what?" I replied

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I was waiting on the light right there, maam"

"And you do wrecks a lot? I am lucky you were so close."

"No maam, this is the first wreck in a long time that I have helped with. Not that I don't like to help, it's just that others are already taking care of it."

"But what about the shirt?"

At this point I started laughing, for I was wearing my Wreckmania T-shirt. As I explained this to her, she started laughing... which made it harder to keep the blood from starting to flow again. As the first cop approached us he asked if she was alright, to which she said... "Of course, I'm being taken care of by a wreck specialist"... and then I had to explain it ALL over again.. and then again to the paramedics and to the other drivers etc. etc.

You see, your class has made me a marked man. No longer can I help those involved in a collision without having to take the time to explain why I am wearing this T-shirt. SO, if you guys can eliminate the T-shirt, I just might return... :tease: BTW, one of the drivers took a picture of me helping... he says he is going to send it to the paper... too funny.
I must admit, my WreckMania T-shirt has become one of my favorites.

However, it does occur to me each time I put it on that I might be tempting fate in some way. Suppose the Gods have failing vision, and can't see the picture? Suppose they think I'm looking for some crash-related excitement in my life?

Oh well, I can only hope for the best - this T-shirt is too fun to stop wearing!

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)
Pete you have me laughing my bootie off. What a story. I hope it does get in the paper. I'll put it on my web site if it does.
As for the T shirt..
It's the only question Marci asked me about Bonaire ..
"Did Walter wear his Wreckmania T shirt down there?"
Of course the answer was "Yes"
You guys ought to start a new thread about the funny things you've done with your wreckmania t-shirt...

Like Charlie using it to freak the cr*p out of MSilvia, Raxafarian, and I :)
I never heard the story abut Charlie doing that. Please elaborate.
That is Too funny! Let Wreckmania T shirts live on! Maybe someday they will be worth something, eh?
Even Heather and Jeff's new baby Jacob has one.


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