Facial Piercings and Diving

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two of them! gotta stay out of the way of those deep sea dudes...
i dont have my labret done but i do have my lip pierced. have never had a problem with it
I'll never forget the day a fully geared up student asked me (as a DM) to tighten his tongue stud before an AOW class dive because it was coming unscrewed and he and his buddy had already put their gloves on. I felt a bit like a dentist, holding his tongue and expecting him to answer my "Is that tight enough" question :D
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber, that's above and beyond. Did you carry their gear for them too?

Sorry, boys and girls, but piercings and tattoos are not age related. While they are becoming more socially acceptable than they once were, they've been around for tens of thousands of years. In every age there are those who like them and those who don't. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some believe a piercing or tattoo can enhance the human form. Others believe the human body is more beautiful without such additions. My taste and yours may differ, but each of us has the right to choose (assuming you are of legal age) for ourselves. I may think your choice is moronic as you may think the same of mine, but it's not polite to say so publicly.
watch the personally directed attacks. you don't know who already on the board might have piercings, and you just called us morons.
Your piercings shouldn't really be entanglement hazards unless you're diving nekkid! :eyebrow:
:eek:fftopic: Yet fun, nevertheless!

Be careful, Garrobo- you're aging yourself with those comments... Get with the times buddy, lots of young people like piercings and tattoos.

Most guys our age had 762x39 piercings. :crafty:

piercings and tattoos are not age related. I may think your choice is moronic as you may think the same of mine, but it's not polite to say so publicly.

But... picture this... On any beachfront street from Ft Lauderdale to Miami. 65 year old couple, both in Speedo banana hammocks, each with more metal than a DIR diver on Saturday morning... as you say: publicy.

Then a stroll through the Staples Supermarket.



To each their own... but doesn't this cause some confusion with the chronically "pre-confused"... the TSA Agent?

Does it cross the line from jewelry to tool, or possibly "weapon"?
The only problem I can see is if that shiney little object on your face were to attract a fish that wants to take a nip at it. I definitely wouldn't want something like a "Barracuda" taking a nip at "my" face. :eyebrow:
Ber, that's above and beyond. Did you carry their gear for them too?

It's more like accident prevention and time management :D Inhaling that thing probably wouldn't have been too healthy and it was faster for me to take care of it since it wasn't diving related. It's all part of being a good buddy Mr. Beavertail :wink:
Ber :lilbunny:
yeah, charles, no worries about internal & external pressure either. :D

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