Am now a little worried about Utila trip please help

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I'm sure I'd try to manage the risks as well as possible and still go with little concern, but I'd want all the info and resources I could obtain .

Any jokesters may simply be trying to lighten things up a little so this thread doesn't end up in the pub with the others. Sure, some good information is available but in reality this is Just another online message board with, for the most part, anonymous posters, many of whome get their information from limited resources. For anyone to seriously comment on what and why things went down the way they did and whether or not a coup happened or something else , they really should research the happenings in the Honduran government a little farther back than 4 days. I would also suggest that along with your CNN and WSJ you read through what the Honduran news is writing now, and what they have reported over the last couple of years relating to Mel and his activities. You can do this by visiting online editions of various news sources that are actually in the country, have been in the country, and can speak with REAL HONDURANS. I have listed below what are probably the three most popular.
Now if the spanish is a problem for you then you can do a online translation though it loses a little then but what can you do, thats the legal language. - Honduras, Diario El Heraldo, Tegucigalpa, periodicos de Honduras, noticias de Tegucigalpa, noticias de Honduras, deportes en honduras, El Heraldo Honduras, informacion de Honduras, informacion de Tegucigalpa.

Honduras, Diario La Prensa, San Pedro Sula, noticias de Honduras, noticias de San Pedro Sula, informacion de San Pedro Sula, La Prensa de Honduras, Diario La Prensa Honduras, Periódico de Honduras, deportes en Honduras.

Aprueban 30 millones para los bordos del Valle de Sula-Diario Tiempo ,San Pedro Sula, Honduras,Noticias,Sucesos,Nacionales,futbol,cronometro

All three of these allow you to look through back issues so you can realy become informed of the recent happenings, what led up to them, and some insight into what is planned and hoped for in the future.

Just a side note for clarification. The Honduran Military is one layer of the Honduran Police system, they do operate domestically ... an important difference from your/US military. So yes, they would be involved in the arrest of a president who has broken the very laws he swore an oath to uphold, quacking or otherwise. This arrest was well beyond the scope & equipment of our regular issue police force.

And yes, in the face of adversity, opposition from experts on Honduran law & the international community (although I can't say I really miss Chavez's good opinion), I'm certainly trying to keep a little levity.... but I'll go ahead & apologize for the 'quacking or otherwise' comment :)
Dear DandyDon,

I only mentioned that I was a U.S. Embassy Warden because I am feed information daily from the Embassy and also have talked with them almost every day since last Sunday. You may also have this kind of interaction with them as well but I think it is helpful to have daily communication with the Embassy.

As to my comments with regards to the politics they were, and are, my opinions just as your's are yours.

Some one else asked what does a Warden do. Our main job is frankly, to assist in the event of a serious or even fatal accident on the island and dealing with getting the person or remains off the island properly.

We are also available to US citizens when they have challenges such as loosing a passport or being robbed. Thankfully the later is rarely a problem here on Utila though petty theft is.

Ramehrer aka 007:
Some one else asked what does a Warden do.

You keep the cyanide capsules at the safe house, right?

I'm certainly trying to keep a little levity.... but I'll go ahead & apologize for the 'quacking or otherwise' comment :)

You quack me up.

Maybe I'll get thanked now, too.
Whether the President was acting lawfully or not, the coup was lawful or not, what the country does about all this, what the other countries and organizations do about all this - all pretty much none of my business. It may well be US Government business, but we elect people to deal with all that - and I have no interest in discussing politics here. I do apologize if some of my comments fell into that temptation.

What is relevant here would be questions of safety in the Islands during this time of stress for anyone visiting the Islands. I hope that travelers with real concerns will be allowed to ask without ridicule.
Actually, I'm kinda enjoying the curfew the last 2 nights. Tranquila & CoCo-Loco both closed down at 9pm & I got some sleep :)

Seriously, so far in Utila, I personally haven't noticed much difference, but we are out here in the islands & not on the mainland. Sunday here was actually much calmer than I was fearing it would be with the election tensions that had been building all week.

That does not mean I'm being complacent. You can bet I'm reading everything.... including our constitution.

We are the same as UTLgirl, at the moment the island is calm with no problems, I do not think anyone is being complacent here and everyone is keeping up with the news, also most of us have people we know in cities around Honduras so are getting first hand news from there as well.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Due to the topical nature of this thread, I'm going to leave it here for now. If however, this thread's focus moves in a global political nature, I will move it to the pub.
Don- to answer some of the many similar statements that you have made, lets look at them in order....

After a thread was already running on SCUBABoard, you decided to begin a new thread reprinting and quoting the entire body of the rather broad and vague State Department Travel Warning, instead of just giving the hotlink as was done in the other thread that pre-dated your duplicate. Some may view it as a waste of bandwidth, but maybe you just wanted everyone to share in the wealth of your investigative research. Thus you began that post:

I suppose this thread will attract critics who will suggest that there is nothing to worry about and that I alarm people needlessly by posting

Since there are no tropical storms to "Look At" and the Meet & Greet section is all updated, you allotted some computer time to start another new thread on a duplicate subject, Okydoke.

Yeah, it's too bad that you can't ask a reasonable question about a touchy civil situation in a foreign country you plan to visit without getting blasted.....If it's bad for business, many just don't want it asked about nor known. Then you start to suspect the info you get even here when it is so biased... don't let the critics of your question be a bother; ask all you want, hope for reasonable answers, and click the user name to find Ignore Member of anyone who wants to give you a hard time for asking.

In light of realistic concerns, one can always count on some to make light of any reasonable discussion seemingly to discourage such. Bad for tourism to even discuss it.... but I'd want all the info and resources I could obtain in spite of the jokesters. Sometimes you just have to work around the self appointed experts who insist their way is the only way.

Where you got the following, I got no clue. The CCV message board, CoCoChat which is populated by habitual Roatan travelers has been silent on this issue since June 29th- the issue seems settled for them, for now. Maybe you were deriding the messages posted on SB from Doc Radawski of CCV who has been a resident of Roatan for almost 40 years now? This really baffles me:

As far as whats' coming out of CCV: I wouldn't believe anything from that brain washed mini-republic anyway, but thanks. I have compared reality to reports from CCV enough to disbelieve anything I hear from there until confirmed at another source. You know, it's probly fine - but would you expect a business there to say otherwise?

....and then you contradict yourself with this:

I bet it's fine, especially on the secured cays!

and again, again...

What is relevant here would be questions of safety in the Islands during this time of stress for anyone visiting the Islands. I hope that travelers with real concerns will be allowed to ask without ridicule.

I'll give you one thing, you have the tenacity of a Bulldog. Unfortunately, there is no meat on the bone.

The:chicken:has flown the "coup".

You can ask the same question 100 different ways, you can post exciting but meaningless governmental warnings that they churn out like US Dollars, you can protest that your right to know is being restricted and compromised by an evil cabal of Island Illuminati, you can play the "defender of the unknowing" card, but it all boils down to the same thing.

As much as you want to :deadhorse: there really isn't anything going on at the Bay Islands to report.

All air carriers report 100% service, the planes are flying at all airports on the mainland of Honduras as well as the Bay Islands. The Cruise Ships are operational and foresee no issues.

I am reminded of my nephew who became enthralled with his new-found ability to ask "if it was raining". It got to the point where we would then ask him, "You mean, outside?".

How many times can one give the reassurance that many less travelled than you crave? You can rephrase and alter the question a hundred different ways, the answer is still the same. It's all quiet on Roatan and the Bay islands.

We will all be watching with care for developments that may or may not arise from this political mess that occurred some 200 miles to the South, across 30 miles of open Ocean- a place that itself is also pretty quiet.

If something does occur, even in that distant capitol, it will ignite another round of the same questions from excited and concerned Bay Islands vacationers. The difference will be that there is something else that is new to report. Information that is available is shared as those who are on-scene can provide it.

I travel to dive all over the world, and my choice of a screen name of RoatanMan might be misleading for some, thinking that's all I do. My heart and soul are with Roatan, and yes- I bridle when fuel is heaped on a fire, a fire that has no use. In the mean time- why covertly cause detriment to a struggling island economy by rehashing nothing? If there is something worth reporting, know that I and others will be on this Board as soon as we can to report what is known. Facts- I take the good with the bad.

Sometimes the answer that has been given a hundred times is best reprised with a simple....

"A coconut fell off a tree today"
Don- to answer some of the many similar statements that you have made, lets look at them in order....

After a thread was already running on SCUBABoard, you decided to begin a new thread reprinting and quoting the entire body of the rather broad and vague State Department Travel Warning, instead of just giving the hotlink as was done in the other thread that pre-dated your duplicate. Some may view it as a waste of bandwidth, but maybe you just wanted everyone to share in the wealth of your investigative research. Thus you began that post:
Arrrg! :mad: Here we go again. Maybe you'd like to take notes. I posted on the main Cent Amer forum as I saw no other thread on the subject there. I believe one was later moved from Bay Islands to Cent Amer and mine merged with it.

That I posted the entire statement rather than a link and a comment is true. So what. :confused:

I appreciate this may be bad for your business interests, but sorry about that. I deserves discussion, preferably without you who would discourage discussion.
Since there are no tropical storms to "Look At" and the Meet & Greet section is all updated, you allotted some computer time to start another new thread on a duplicate subject, Okydoke
Nah, you're not so funny I don't think. You tried.
Where you got the following, I got no clue. The CCV message board, CoCoChat which is populated by habitual Roatan travelers has been silent on this issue since June 29th- the issue seems settled for them, for now. Maybe you were deriding the messages posted on SB from Doc Radawski of CCV who has been a resident of Roatan for almost 40 years now? This really baffles me:
Oh, it wouldn't surprise me that it's been silent. I visited that board once during an accident discussion so I know how strongly it is moderated to the benefit of CCV business. I'm sure anything negative is heavily discouraged or pulled. So what? :confused:

I don't feel like messing with the rest of your post. Have a nice evening.

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