Non-spearing charter ops?

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Yeah, that is the old Norine (sic) Rouse Dive Club.
1 tank dives as I remember and no guns.
Things may have changed.
(born to kill)
I believe Pura Vida Divers in West Palm Beach has a no spearing policy...
Simple question, most on the thread did not answer but debated their own stuff.

I dived Ocean Divers in Key Largo for years and never even thought about spearfishing or Lobster taking. Seems most operators off South Florida do both. I don't do either but love the diving off Boynton and Jupiter. Sometimes you must compromise.

Good diving, Craig
Agree w/ you 100%

As long as someone does it in a polite manner, everyone is entitled to their opinion, w/out the BS how in essence they are stupid for feeling the way they do.

And although I tend to be more on the side of the Op in this (although I would tell you that spearfishing is one of the most eco friendly ways to fish - you see your prey, and can decide whether to spear or not.....woah, sorry, I'll stop - I am so NOT getting into that debate) -

I don't see what "Green" has to do w/it - say what you mean - you prefer not to be on the same boat when spearfishing or lobster hunting is taking place - that's fine and thats your perogitive - but its not a "Green" issue.
Yeah, that is the old Norine (sic) Rouse Dive Club.
1 tank dives as I remember and no guns.
Things may have changed.
(born to kill)

I don't know if this is the same operator as Scuba Club or not. SC does run a bunch of one tank dives, but also has two tank dives. You have to check their schedule to see which days are one tank runs and which are two tank runs. Prior to discovering BHB last year, if I wanted a quick dive on Saturday, I'd go out for a one tank dive with SC. From boat departure to boat coming back was about 2 hours. Now I just go to the blue heron bridge and simply do a two hour dive. On Fridays, when I can get off of work the second half of the day, I occasionally will go on the Friday afternoon two tank dive with SC. SC is about the only operator in town that I know of that has a regularly scheduled friday afternoon run
It's very silly to equate "green" with "non spearfishing" unless you are pretty uninformed.

This is the internet - we don't get much of that... :rofl3:
People who buy seafood or meat in a grocery store but cry out about spearfishing test my patience to the extreme. The destructive practices -- and huge and wasteful bycatch -- of commercial fishing means nothing to them. Exact same kind of people who could hold a deliteful tea party while slaves were working in the fields. Get in touch. Grow up. "I'm OK with people killing fish for me to eat, but I don't want to watch it." Hyporites.

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