2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Hi all. I have been remiss and on a slightly unplanned vacation :)

Sunday 3/28: 23 mile, large and rolling hills cycle around beautiful and affluet Tiburon, CA. It was a definitely challenge but felt great!
Monday 3/29: swimming laps. Woke up late and could only get 1/2 mile in.
Tuesday 3/30: cycling class.
Wednesday: rest.
Thursday 4/1: South Florida Diving. Ancient Mariner and a drift. Both approx 35 minutes.
Friday 4/2: South Florida Diving. Aqua Zoo/Sea Emperor and a reef. Both about 45-50 minutes.

Scuba Jenny: I was going to contact you about running a 5k (run like a bunny in pompano beach), but got my dates mixed! Alas! Anyhow, I am here until Tuesday if you want to run! ... Well, jog at a slowish pace! :)
Nope.... staying local right now... gotta stay where we both have jobs.... although I had a recruiter call me about a job in FL.

Temptations after a long winter ;-)!

Scuba Jenny: I was going to contact you about running a 5k (run like a bunny in pompano beach), but got my dates mixed! Alas! Anyhow, I am here until Tuesday if you want to run! ... Well, jog at a slowish pace! :)

Sarita, I'm impressed you must be dedicated to your new fitness persuit. Clear, warm tropical water & your swimming laps and not diving? Enjoy the sunshine state, it's overcast and drizzly here.

Fri: 30 minutes cardio on eliptical.
Ah Kathy - I saw in Novato before coming to FL. We arrived Wed AM. :) I have spent two days diving and will probably try for one more. :)
Temptations after a long winter ;-)!
Nah.... Winter was great this year!! LOL

GHD Situps x 10
GHD Back Extensions x 10

25# KB Windmills 3/side
25# KB 2-hand swings x 10
25# KB Hand to Hand (toss) swings x 10

Overhead Squats (PVC) x 10

Hang Power Snatch
35# x 5
55# x 5
65# x 3
75# x 1
85# x 1
105# x 1

25# KB Windmills 3/side

Spending the last couple of months focused on Kettlebells has really "made" my shoulder stronger, maybe even better "balanced". Considering I haven't done Snatches during that time, I was surprised how easily it started coming back. Not wanting to push it, I stopped short of my previous PR of 125#. Felt good to be moving the barbell overhead and my shoulder felt really awesome.
Ah Kathy - I saw in Novato before coming to FL. We arrived Wed AM. :) I have spent two days diving and will probably try for one more. :)

I was beginning to wonder if we will ever see you at BW again. Good to hear you didn't entirely forget about scuba!

Diving today. 1-3ft vis, 6ft surge. Not sure why but we stayed in 70 minutes - Sarita look at all the fun you are missing ;-)!
Awwwh drat! I'd love to meet up with you, but between now and Tuesday, I am pretty full. Drat! Drat! Drat! If I'd known you were coming in town, would have done the Run like a bunny 5K with ya...drat!
Well, so far I feel like 40, run like 60, and look like 90, so as long as I don't wake up in a satin lined box, I figure I'm winning:rofl3:

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