2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Sunday 5/2 - Open water swimming 2/3 a mile. Tide was coming in and we had a huge amount of resistance b/c of the way that the water was drawing in. Not so much fun, but it felt good. We were meant to be doing a brick workout (swim-bike) but ran low on time. Now I am off to get some sightseeing in with my college roommate who is in town. Could be fun!
Been too little exercise with all the other interruptions (packing, moving, sore foot, lung congestion). Just wanted a little something to move around.

Ring Chinups (false grip) as L-sits x 3
250m Row
50# Kettlebell Swings (2-hands) x 20
Ring chinups (holding 15# KB on my foot) x 3
20# Kettlebell Snatches x 10/side
Monday 5/3 - PM - Body Conditioning class. 45 minutes of various lunges, squats, upper body, mat work, etc. Ugh.

Tuesday 5/4 - AM - Cycling class. 1 hour.
After getting an estimate from a moving company, one of things that was discussed was how moving most of the weights (and anything else) from the basement to the garage could save a nice chunk of change. Taking that as a nice workout challenge, I hauled all my weights to the garage.

Barbells, 130#
Barbell plates, 435#
Dumbells, 364#
Kettlebells, 155#

Total = 1084#
Time 45 minutes

It took me 4.5 years to accumulate all that in the basement, and 45 minutes to haul it back up and to the garage. I think I need a nap....
Wow! That's a lot of lead!
At least it's not on your waist! LOL
Did a bunch-o diving (fri/sat) over the weekend & learned some new skills, or at least tried to :D. Took a nice long walk throught the hills on Sunday & started the week out right with some good old iron pumpin and gym cardio.

Monday - back/bi pumpin iron
20 minute elipitical & a long walk/jog the dog evening stroll - pup pretty much dictates the pace ;-)

Tuesday - Chest/shoulder/tri pumpin iron
climbed pretty steep mountains on the elipitical for about 15 minutes
Got a good run in tonight. Went outside the doggie park for a half mile jaunt .. twice! total 3.37 miles 489 calories, 6912 steps. Sweet.

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