2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Went for another 4 mile walk with the pups around T.Y. Park. There are some markers in the ground every 1/4 mile, so it's easy to mark distances. I jogged only a mile and a half total, and that was broken up with the walking. 9000 steps. Amazing the number of steps dropped by 250/mile when I include the jogging.

Back to working on the room, cleaning the house and finishing up the project due tomorrow night.
Was diving for the last 3 days.

Couple hour pool session on Thursday

Long kick on Fri for a 70 minute dive

Long kick on Sat for a 100 minute dive
then another 70 minute dive

Looking forward to hitting the gym again, today is beautiful so perhaps some outdoor exercise.
The saga of my sprained left foot continues to plague me. Even though it started to hurt initially from sprinting up stairs and barefoot weightlifting, I'm starting to think it could be a re-occurrence of some plantar fasciitis I experienced about 3 years ago, possibly from weak high arches. Compound this with a cold that has moved into my chest over the past few days, and I've been exercise-dormant for too many days in a row. Despite coughing fits today, I'd had enough and opted to do at least a little bit just to keep moving.

Kettlebell Shoulder Press
50# x 5/side (2 rounds)

Overhead Squats (PVC) to a Medicine ball (slow with pause at the bottom)
5 x 2

Ring Chinup L-Sits with false grip
3 reps
Bob, hope that foot recovers.. and you! Stay warm, lots of chicken soup and rest. :nurse:

kathy, you're wearing me out with all that diving. I'm jealous!
Sunday - Sari dress shopping and was pooped afterwards so we did not run that night.
Monday - 30 minute run, followed by a 45 minute conditioning class.
Tuesday - 60 minute cycling class full of intervals.

All this means that my thighs are totally sore. I think I will take today to recoversnd hopefully get back into it tomorrow. Alas!
Got out to run tonight. Really needed it to. Wanted to run last night but all the commotion was too much to wrap by brain around getting home, changing and getting right back out to the park, and get back home for another commitment.

So, I ran tonight. I ran for peace. For the sheer joy of it. On one of the early sets, I twisted my ankle, hobbled a little ways and tried to run through it. (will know in the morning if that was a smart idea. Doesn't hurt right now, a few hours later) And after I did my 3:1's a few times, hitting close to 4000, I took off my shoes and walked one, ran three, walk one. The cool grass under my feet was wonderful and liberating. Not too crazy about pavement or the pebbles though.
Eek. I hope that your ankle is okay Scuba Jenny!!

Thursday: 45 minute run with my best friend and her pup through the Presidio. It was a really lovey run. Regretably I was dealing with a considerable amount of weird shoulder pain, but I mannaged through. Need to get the hubby to massage it out as I think I have a knot.
Good to hear you had a good run. Love it when I do have a good run. Hope the shoulder feels better..

Ankle feels OK. It's that dang right ankle that I have twisted so many times over the years. I knew my luck would run out eventually.. since I've been running these past few years, have not twisted it. It isn't a bad twist, thankfully. Felt good last night when I went to bed, I forgot to put ice on it. This morning, when I awoke, my feet weren't any worse than normal the morning after a run.
Have you ever considered using a small brace hen you run just to give a little more support? Might help.
Good suggestion. I used to use one a long time ago when it seemed like every other week I was twisting it.

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