2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I got one like this http://www.ourdoctorstore.com/assets/items/F6015A6EAD3E4A46A27A818F13E7FF5B.jpg from my doctor when I was having "issues" with some pain in that area (tendon related). Anyhow, it was nice because it was adjustable, not overly-rigid but quite supportive and did not feel too bulky under my shoe. Just made me look a bit like I had a uni-cankle. :)

Friday AM - Pilates DVD in the morning (25 minutes). I was planning on sleeping in this AM, but I woke up early and have the 30 minutes to spare so I thought I would put it good use. I need to keep doing that DVD as I really like it. Not a "Calorie Scorcher" (as the Wii would say), but it makes me more considerate of my posture, etc.
I did a lot of dog walking/jogging up/down hills this week -pretty much every day, hit the climbing gym once and spent some time on the elipitical machine.

Waiting for a little tweaked something or another to recover then it's back to pumping iron - I miss it.

Have a great Friday everyone!
Oh yeah, I forgot! I got the Wii Active (thanks Sarita for the suggestion). Haven't been able to crack open the box yet, though..Got it from Sam's Club, it has an extra workout thingy so I can work out with somebody else at the same time. Cool Beans.
Took the pups to the park again where they have to walk on leash, we did 3 laps for a total of 6 miles, I jogged about 3/4 mile in the last mile, the rest was walking. They never slowed down, though I did... dang blisters. Need new shoes. Found walking in the grass and jogging doesn't hurt as bad as the walking for blister formation.
Sorry to hear about the blisters! OUCH! Make sure that your socks fit you well too. If they have seams and/or rub a bunch, you'll get blisters. I find that thin running socks work best for me.

Saturday 5/1 - Happy May! Ran this morning with my best friend and her pup around Lake Merced here in SF. 5 miles - longest run ever! My legs feel achy, but I hope that stretching keeps it all at bay. Woot!
Whoo hoo!!! Excellent run, Sarita!
When I got home this morning, I took an Epsom Salts bath. I feel much better already!

I have managed to talk my sister into the 1/2 marathon in PA when we visit in July. Was looking to do a 5k that weekend, but looks like it will be a half! I am the slower person!!!
Excerpt trip report below on the Sri Lankan/HMS Hermes Expedition:
In short, looking back over the two week expedition, I’m glad I prepared beforehand with physical training –lots of lat pulldowns & row machine exercises in addition to a regular weightlifting and running regimen-- or I wouldn’t have endured the heavy current dive conditions, and the activity in the intense heat & humidity of the region. This was the farthest I’ve ever traveled, literally half-way around the world from Los Angeles (exactly 12.5 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Savings Time); and the 19 tech dives to 48m were the most two-bottle mandatory deco dives I’ve ever done consecutively on a single divetrip. It definitely wasn’t a typical relaxing scuba vacation trip to the tropics, but still a good time in remote hardship camaraderie with a fun group of very skilled technical wreck divers.

Full report:
Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes, Short History & Dive Report - Unified Team Diving
Kev- nice trip report. Sounds like a good time

Sarita- Slow can be sooo tough!
Yesterday was mostly moving stuff around. We'd stuck a lot of stuff into a storage unit so that our condo would show better. Now we're moving everything back from storage that we want the movers to take and putting the extremely fragile glass that Penny collects (and anything else), into the storage unit. We'll move the stuff in the storage unit to the new place when we close in two weeks. It's about 30 miles away, and will require a few trips, but better for piece of mind.

My glutes and hamstrings got a nice workout, but my back feels great. Odd shaped boxes and tubs are more challenging to move around with good back position than barbells... LOL

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