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Ok, had my physical yesterday. First I have to brag about my cholesterol cholesterol is 144!! Ok, got a tetanus shot, they were out of the hepatitis A but will call me when they get it and i'll pop back in there for it. He wrote me an Rx for Malerone. Didn't want to even talk about chloroquine. He didn't know where roatan was, didn't know that there was malaria 'down there' and was kind of flippant about it all and flippant when I said there were lots of mosquitoes. He said, we have lots of mosquitoes here in Houston. So, i'm not crazy about this guy, but I got what I needed and will return for the hep shot, cause it's covered under my copayment I already paid.
Ok, had my physical yesterday. First I have to brag about my cholesterol cholesterol is 144!! Ok, got a tetanus shot, they were out of the hepatitis A but will call me when they get it and i'll pop back in there for it. He wrote me an Rx for Malerone. Didn't want to even talk about chloroquine. He didn't know where roatan was, didn't know that there was malaria 'down there' and was kind of flippant about it all and flippant when I said there were lots of mosquitoes. He said, we have lots of mosquitoes here in Houston. So, i'm not crazy about this guy, but I got what I needed and will return for the hep shot, cause it's covered under my copayment I already paid.

When we prepared for my trip to Roatan we went to the public health department. The vaccines were much less expensive there than at my primary care docs office. The health nurse printed out what is suggested for travel to Honduras and in particular Roatan. The office we went to was geared towards travel medicine. We discussed what was suggested and a plan. I got hepatitis A and B, tetanus booster. Chloroquine was the drug of choice because it was cheaper and it worked. I kind of like the idea of 1 pill once a week. For some reason for me a pill once a week is much easier to remember than an everyday routine of meds.

Congrats on the cholesteral #!
We lived on Roatan for a year and never took any of this. We were diligent with spray tho and highly recommend taking some with you as you will end up buying some if not. Guava Grove Villas
the pharmacy is getting my Malerone ready.....and my cost will be $25.........i was pleasantly surprised.
When I took the Chloroquine over Malarone a couple years ago it was based on the nurse telling me the price would be considerably higher on the latter. I found out later that insurance covered them so the price was the same, $10 or something. So do check before making the decision.
In answer to the Dengue question...It sucks! Never been so sick. For several days...very high fever, terrible headache, muscle and joint pain like I've never experienced before (and I've been around for something more than half a century and have a pretty high pain tolerance). I didn't want to be completely alone so I had a friend keep tabs on me for the first few days "just in case" I started seizing or bleeding. Couldn't eat for 5 days...just water and lots of it. I still tire easily and it's been over 3 weeks. And the worst thing is I won't even get to make it to the islands to dive during this whole 3 month trip to Honduras! Ya don't have to be on the beach to get Dengue in the tropics! Dengue 1 -- Sololady 0
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It sucks! Never been so sick. For several days...very high fever, terrible headache, muscle and joint pain like I've never experienced before (and I've been around for something more than half a century and have a pretty high pain tolerance). I didn't want to be completely alone so I had a friend keep tabs on me for the first few days "just in case" I started seizing or bleeding. Couldn't eat for 5 days...just water and lots of it. I still tire easily and it's been over 3 weeks. And the worst thing is I won't even get to make it to the islands to dive during this whole 3 month trip to Honduras! Ya don't have to be on the beach to get Dengue in the tropics! Dengue 1 -- Sololady 0

Yet even after your post, Some will continue to tell us about their snake oil, cactus water, lemongrass oils, and so many other un proven repellants and they will continue to badmouth the most recommended and most tested repellant in modern history. DEET.
They will do this on blind faith, with little research, Just because they were told by someone with little to no proof that it is bad, Missuse can be harmfull to humans and animals but so can missuse of clorox bleach or window cleaner yet these folks will use other things that are all "all natural" never considering the fact that they have never been tested and also that anthrax and other hazardous things can be found "naturally" in some areas.
Yet even after your post, Some will continue to tell us about their snake oil,

I know Deet is the thing and I use it, but it's really almost impossible to Deet yourself up enough to prevent the little buggers from getting you. I actually know when I was bitten and that one didn't live to bite another. I was sitting at this desk, at this computer, inside my house, working. A Catracha friend looked at me funny, walked over and slapped my ankle. She looked at what was in her hand and said, Deba this was a Dengue mosquito. I saw the bit of blood and thought...great! just what I need. Please God, don't let it be one that was carrying the virus. It was a tiny bite and didn't even itch much. I can't remember being bitten at all in the whole time I have been here except for that one damn bug. Go figure!
BTW...symptoms follow the bite by about 5-8 days.
I actually know when I was bitten and that one didn't live to bite another.


BTW...the symptoms follow the bite by about 5 - 8 days. I was in denial that I would actually get it, but sure 'nuff I woke up one morning realizing that the night before was not just a case of having one too many beers. Right on schedule! That day my fever climbed to almost 104 before I broke out the acetaminophen. My friend said, what are you waiting for? Are you delusional? For some stupid reason, I thought I would wait until the fever broke on it's own and see how high it actually got. I don't recommend that idea.I also kept up with my blood pressure and heart rate. I come prepared when I come to the mountains. There isn't much really good medical help up here. I can't take codeine or related drugs, but if I could, I figure they would have helped with the pain.

There is really good info at Dengue Fever Symptoms, Causes, Signs, Treatment and Prevention Information by

It's coming back in South Florida. We don't use the pesticide that kept it at bay anymore. I expect it will migrate on over to where Cajun Diva and I live in South Louisiana eventually. Oh happy day.

Another thing, Dengue mosquitoes are day feeders; Malaria mosquitoes are night feeders.

Cajun Diva, now you have a lot more info than you ever wanted about Dengue ;-)
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