Divers and offspring

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melbourne australia
# of dives
25 - 49
Hi fellow fish,.

not sure exactly where to place this.

I have heard a whisper that a survey was undertaken and the results indicated divers are more likely to have female offspring. Not that i am either in a position to, or are considering offsping at the moment, however, I am interested to read the study in more detail and was wondering if anyone here had heard more detail about the study, and where i might be able to view the details.


Mods- sorry just realised that thsi should be in diving medicine section, could you please move, or let me know how to do an i shall complete.
I have one of each. Everyone who I know of that is an active diver (male or female) that has 2 kids has one of each too. I have male and female dive buddies who have 1 kid with boys and girls pretty much equally.
I have three girls. Doubt if diving had anything to do with that, but who knows?
I have heard a whisper that a survey was undertaken and the results indicated divers are more likely to have female offspring.

Sounds pretty interesting, but I want to see the data. Also, I'm curious: was the survey of women divers only or did it include male divers as well?

For now, I'd categorize this as just a rumor, but if anyone out there can provide a link with more information, I'd definitely be interested in looking at it.
Same rumor pops up about us nukes from time to time. Doubt there's any truth to it.

Haha in psychology we read a theory that if you put mens "little soldiers" in a tube and spun them in one of those medical machines you are more likely get a girl. Maybe there is something similar to the conditions of diving?
Damn it! My wifes going to be upset and feel she got cheated somehow if she reads about that survey.
We were both diving before, between and after kids and eneded up with three boys.
Two girls, one boy.

I doubt that this differs from the rest of society as a whole, when you look at overall gender percentages over large populations.... but its fun to speculate anyway :wink:

Best wishes.
I have only sons, as did my father (who has been diving since the 50s).

I think a more interesting theory that I have heard is that divers have fewer children than non-divers. That could of course be because (a) they are broke, and (b) the same reason the "diving" is listed next to "divorce" in the Yellow Pages.
A professional researcher from DAN at one of their lecture's at their HQ addressed this point during the talk and said it is absolutely bogus - no truth to it whatsoever.

Also, recalling Human Biology 101 from undergrad, you are statistically more likely to have a female child anyway. :)

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