Don't use a dive computer?!

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Remember, there are two things you don't get to choose in life. Family and your childrens friends. Your aunt sounds like a wise old bird and as such you should take this opportunity to live a little on the "wild" side and do it her way. Heck you might learn a greater appreciation for doing tables. I am sure you will become more proficient at it. You younger generation are the "now" kids, as in "I want it now!". Tables give you time to think about your dive, plan it, and then execute your plan. It is sort of like life isn't it?
Remember this though.... Older aunts are usually in a better income bracket than their nieces and nephews. They will die someday and the loving, thoughtful nephew/niece will get things in their will. :D
Sometimes we tolerate things to further our own goals:cool2:
When I was cert'd (SSI)part of your test was to use a dive table.Its a pretty valuable skill, if you 'puter ever craps out or gets lost you can continue to dive.Which might really be important on a live-aboard or multi-dive vacation where your spending a fair amount of $$$ for these dives.Personally I took it as a little challenge and for my 1st 50 or so dives I did my tables in between every dive while filling out dive log to compare with my computer for surface intervals and limits. It might surprise you just how close they mirror each other.
So, she emailed that? Tell her that doing so was lazy and ridiculous. She should have handwritten a letter, sealed it with a wax seal and sent it Pony Express. She's just spoiled!
I cannot believe the email that my Aunt, who has been diving in the coast guard back in the days that having a dive computer was not a standard, has sent. I have been certified by SSI and my instructor told me that as long as I understand the dive tables, and use a dive computer I am fine. He said I will get maximum bottom time and it is much safer. AND IT MAKES SENSE! My Aunt also comes from a long line of incredibly cheap moneygrubbers and I am sure that she has a problem spending fifty dollars to rent me one for a week, and WE ARE GOING TO THE CAYMAN ISLANDS! (Is she a safe person to be with?) I will rent one with my own money if she wont! Here is an excerpt of the email she sent.

"Tell Grant NO ONE here has a dive computer. I am talking about people who dive all over the world. Dive masters. Dive instructors. People who have dedicated their lives to scuba diving. The consensus here is that they are a silly waste of money, for people who are to lazy or too stupid to use a dive chart. My yoga instructor is also a rescue diver, has dove on every continent (except Antarctica) and thinks they are rediculous." - Ignoramous Aunt

She said that you guys who use dive computers are too LAZY and STUPID to not learn how to use a dive computer! The audacity to come from her! Can I consult someone who really knows what they are talking about? BTW, this place where the general consensus is to not get a dive computer is Costa Rica, if that helps any.


Think now she's been diving a looooong time without a PDC and from your post I gather she's still alive and hasn't had DCS. What does that mean to you? Go diving with her rent/buy/bring a PDC with you and match it against the dives you two do, you'll see how unsafe she is......not.
both works...

and just use whatever comforts you.
I am sure she is a safe diver. The issue with a computer is increased bottom time. I think diving strictly to the tables is very safe but it decreases your actual bottom time because you are not typically at the same depth the entire time when exploring a wreck, reef or other item. Unless you have very clear, defined depths for specific times, it is difficult to to accurately calculate multi-level dives. Most recreational diving is limited by gas, and not bottom time, especially when you have an aluminum 80 on a 25' reef so although a computer is not necessary, it sure helps your dive times.

I dove in a group with someone who did not have a computer. All of us with computers were well within limits and ran out of gas well before we turned into pumpkins. The guy without a computer used the dive tables and he was off the charts in deco according to the tables even though he had the same profile as us. So in a way, depending on how you plan your dives, diving tables can be safer, just less fun because of less bottom time.

Here is a great example. This past Saturday for my first dive I only had 1900 in my cylinder so we did not plan on going too deep. Just follow along a wall. Dive 1 was to a depth of 55' for 41 minutes. After a 56 minute SI, dive 2 was 77' for 62 minutes. Was the entire time spent at 55 & 77 feet? No but if you did the tables according to those times, they are simply not do-able.
From personal observations and experience, computers are often used as a crutch for proper dive planing and have become nothing more than a "Remaining Bottom Time" gauge. Your Aunt isn't too far from the truth.

Regarding some of the other comments in this thread; GUE Min-Deco will trounce most dive computers for bottom time, especially on repetitive dives. And you don't need a computer OR tables!

Rent the computer yourself if you feel you need one. $50 is a small price for the peace of mind you clearly feel you need...

So if your computer craps out, what is your backup? You will have the tables in your kit, right? And a watch?

My son certified in the spring. I bought him a watch. He dove all summer with tables, his watch, and analog guages, and bought himself a computer at the end of August. His tables stay in his kit, his watch on his wrist, and the analogue guages in his console for backup / redundancy.

Sounds to me like you have an entitlement issue. And it sounds like you will make a terrible dive buddy for your aunt - you show absolutely no respect for her experience. If you don't respect her experience, why are you diving with her? Oh yea, she has the wallet. Regardless of your opinion on computers, tables are more than adequate for the job and, if we understand you correctly, the trip is on HER dime, not yours. She doesn't NEED to justify anything to you.

So long as you are doing anything on someone else's dime, you need to get an attitude adjustment and learn a little gratitude and respect.

You may want to pay attention to comments offered. You had mentioned safety. If you can not depend on your buddy for the small things, you definitely do not want to have a disagreement below the surface. Buddy dependance is more important than any dive computer can offer. Please take the comments in the spirit that they were offered and don't take them as beating up on you.

If you feel more comfortable diving with a computer, get a computer but it really should be on your dime and not cause friction between you and your Aunt as dive buddies.

Enjoy your diving.
So Sufyries,
Did you come to rant or to learn something?

If I may offer a suggestion, dive the style you prefer (I am assuming with a computer) with your aunt. At the end of every dive, log it. While you do that, draw a profile of your dive, including depths and times. Calculate your multilevel dive with your aunt's assistance. That way you will 1) show you are not ignorant 2) you are not lazy 3) have an accurate log of your dives and 4) have the opportunity to have time to enjoy your aunt while she is still here.

Be careful diving with her, you may become a better diver :shakehead:

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