Why is the H-plate unsuitable to twinset

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The jump from singles to doubles is not trivial. To dive doubles to their full advantage you need a couple sets of tanks at $500-1000 each. And a 1/2 dozen regs, and a drysuit with a couple sets of undies, and a $800~1500 trimix computer and a can light and a *few* deco and stage bottles, and maybe a scooter, etc.etc.etc.

****. I'm doing this all wrong it seems. :wink:
****. I'm doing this all wrong it seems. :wink:

Is it possible to dive doubles without the list of gear I detailed? Of course. One could borrow a set tanks and use only two reg sets. One could of course borrow or rent all the gear. That's exactly what I would recommend for those curious about doubles.

OTOH the typical diver that plans on using doubles to their full advantage will quickly find they need at least two sets of tanks, and often a "few" more than that. It gets old doing training dives at 60 ft in set of E-8 130's vs a nice set of 2250 psi 72's. One can easily spend far more than the cost of a 2nd hand back plate on a Trimix fill, and burning through that on a 100 ft bimble when the planned dive gets blown out gets expensive fast.

Then of course there is the very real issue of exposure protection. I don't know any serious tech diver that goes off shore with only one drysuit and only one set of undies.

And of course there are the stage and deco bottles and the regs you need for these cylinders.

And the lights, and regs, and computers, and training etc.

I routinely encounter gung ho divers weeking their first BP&W who expect to be diving the Doria in 12-18 months. I enjoy their enthusiasm, but it needs to be tempered with reality.

Of course on *can* dive doubles on the cheap, but it's not the typical path.


to echo that. I don't dive doubles often, but have a set of HP120's, and lp72's for when I need to. I also regularly borrow e8-130's when I need a lot of gas
I also have a set of LP121's, LP85's, and LP45's dedicated to sidemount for different dives and mixes
I also have 11 al80's, 1 al40, and 1 al30 for stage and decompression so I don't have to dump gas if the dive plans change.

Currently I have 1 set of regs for doubles, 1 for singles, 1 for sidemount, 3 for high O2, and 5 stage reg sets. All of which can be moved around. Total of 13 first stages, and 14 second stages. They all get used....

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