Purisima: The First Commercial Lock-Out Diving Bell

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Santa Barbara, California, USA
Excerpted from The History of Oilfield Diving: An Industrial Adventure
by Christopher Swann (Oceanaut Press)​

View media item 209079
One of Dan Wilson's responsibilities after the sale of General Offshore Divers to Union Carbide was to build the Purisima diving bell, the artist's conception of which he had shown to Ed Link in Washington D.C. in September 1963. In designing the Purisima, Wilson was well aware that the competitive advantage he had gained with helium would not last long. By putting the diver next to the work in a lock-out bell he would increase the efficiency and safety of deep-water operations, and thereby maintain his edge. Furthermore, assuming the work in California increased as expected, there could well be a shortage of divers—which meant heavy gear divers.

The risk from Wilson's point of view as an employer was that the divers would be able to dictate their wages. The only alternatives to heavy gear divers were light-gear abalone divers and sport scuba divers. Unlike the Gulf of Mexico, where most of the diving was relatively shallow and the water generally warm, the work in California was too deep and the water too cold to make diving with a surface-supplied mask and wet suit an option. Scuba, except for certain isolated tasks, was unsuited to the oilfields and there were in any case very few scuba divers with the necessary background. If, however, as Wilson expected, the future of deep diving lay in using light gear out of bells, he had a large pool of divers he could bring in from the abalone fishery.

To understand why Wilson designed the Purisima as he did, it is necessary to look at how General Offshore Divers were operating at the time and how they expected to operate in the immediate future. As mentioned before, most of the work lay in the 250'/76M range, with bottom times held to one hour. In the first year or so, the company made 72 dives without having to send down a second diver to finish the job.

“A general dive philosophy we used at the time was that if you couldn't finish the job in one hour you weren't rigged properly," said Wilson.

Even on the first subsea tie-ins, two or three dives a day interspersed with surface rigging and welding were usually sufficient. Given the relatively modest bottom times the typical job required, Wilson saw no need to consider saturation diving, which would have entailed building a surface decompression chamber with a mating flange. Although Wilson designed the Purisima for 1,000'/304M, he did not expect to work deeper than 400'/122M, where the decompression times would be short enough that the divers could reasonably decompress in the bell. One should also note that Wilson thought it would be possible to shorten decompression by using different gases in sequence or in combination, or both, much as Hannes Keller had done. Moreover, one of the reasons he had sold to Union Carbide was to gain access to the Linde Division's extensive research into gases.

The Purisima’s principal characteristic was its double-sphere configuration. Wilson thought it would be advantageous if the diving supervisor, alone or with the oil company representative responsible for the work, could observe and direct the diver on the bottom. The diver and tender would be in the lower sphere, the observers in the upper sphere. The bell would descend at atmospheric pressure, with the hatches between the spheres open. Wilson designed the bell so that all the hatches lined up, to provide the option of using the bell horizontally as a submarine hull at a later date.

On the bottom, the diver and supervisor would go over the job, then the tender would winch the top hatch of the lower sphere closed and pressurize the compartment. When the internal pressure equaled the external pressure, the outer bottom hatch would open and the diver would go out. Throughout, the occupant or occupants of the upper sphere were to remain at atmospheric pressure. At the end of the dive the tender would close the bottom hatches and start decompression as the bell was lifted to the surface. Once on deck, those in the upper sphere would leave the bell through the two top hatches. Alternatively, if the work required this, the bell could descend with a diver and tender in each sphere. At the end of the first team's dive, the crews would change places, the team from the lower sphere starting their decompression as soon as they had transferred.

Before the sale to Union Carbide and General Precision, Wilson had set up a separate company, Deep Submergence Systems, to build the Purisima. When Lad Handelman and Whitey Stefens decided not to participate in the venture, Wilson invited Jon Lindbergh, the eldest son of Charles Lindbergh, who had joined General Offshore after running his own diving company in San Diego, to be his partner.

Lindbergh was shy almost to the point of being reclusive; but he was determined and far-sighted (he once, correctly, told a group of dyed-in-the-wool heavy gear divers that the helmet of the future would look like a motorcycle helmet) and he provided two things Wilson needed. The first was a fresh perspective. The second was money—of which Wilson, who was still paying off the $25,000 debt of his old abalone business, was woefully short. At the time of the sale, Deep Submergence Systems became part of Ocean Systems with General Offshore Divers and the equipment company.

Wilson and Lindbergh took the drawing of the Purisima, which Wilson filed as a patent application in February 1964, to Jon Borg, an engineer in Santa Barbara. One of the first questions was how big to make the hatches. To find out, Borg cut out various sized cardboard rings, which Wilson and Lindbergh slid over their shoulders. The diameter that allowed comfortable passage with a little to spare would be the hatch size. Wilson and Lindbergh were very thin, however; furthermore, they failed to take into account that the diver would be unable to bend going through the entrance trunk. This was to have unintended consequences when other diving companies built their own bells and many copied the hatch size of the Purisima.

“Unless you were a skinny guy,” Wilson observed,“you could hardly get in and out of the average hatch.”

There were numerous other technical challenges: buoyancy control, the design of the windows, a drop-weight system for emergency ascent, carbon dioxide scrubbers and an umbilical to supply the bell with power and breathing gas. The manifold box and communications would be little different from what the company used for surface diving.

Wilson constructed the bell of mild steel hemispheres formed by hot spinning. Although the process ensured good control over sphericity, it proved impossible to control the thickness at the poles and the equators. Consequently the spheres were much heavier than intended, with the result that the bell sank even without the counter-weight, making it necessary to add a third sphere on top for flotation—which doubled as an emergency gas supply. This third sphere was to make launch and recovery of what was already a large bell even more awkward than it would otherwise have been.

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The divers were to work out of the Purisima in Aquala dry suits and full-face masks. Some time before, in the abalone fishery, Bev Morgan and Ramsey Parks had bolted a demand regulator onto a free-flow Widolf mask, which allowed them to use a smaller compressor. After a period making his own design of surfing wet suit and a stint at Surfer magazine, Morgan was now working for Wilson, who had bought two aluminum Widolf-Munroe masks for the Purisima. Wilson and Del Thomason, who had left Associated Divers, redesigned the masks to take a regulator and communications. Morgan, with Thomason doing the solder work, and helped by Bob Christensen and Bob Ratcliffe, assembled them.

At Morgan's suggestion, they connected the communications—devised by Ratcliffe—to the earphones in the hood of the Aquala dry suit with an Electro-Oceanics connector, allowing the diver to plug in the communications after he put on the mask. As with Wilson's helium helmet, the masks had the disadvantage that the diver had to go off the mouthpiece to talk. According to Morgan, they were also very hard breathing, though they served well enough for the first test dives from the bell.

Realizing that the modified aluminum masks were inadequate, Morgan proposed changing to a fiberglass mask. Years earlier, Marine Land, the first seaquarium, had asked him to build a mask for its diving girls, with a large faceplate to allow the audience to see their faces. Morgan did not want to build the mask, so he passed the job to Pat Curren, a surfer and abalone diver who owned a surf shop. Curren knew nothing about building masks or molds; but Morgan had learnt about molding from helping a friend build dune buggies, and with Morgan's help and guidance Curren built a full-face, free-flow mask for the Marineland girls. Morgan subsequently made a second mask from the Marineland mold, which he fitted with a Sportsways regulator for Neil Tobin, a diver in Hawaii.

When Wilson said he wanted ten fiberglass masks for the Purisima, Morgan took a plug off the original mold and modified it to fit a Scubapro regulator. But he was not keen to do the production work.

“What you have to understand about commercial diving in those days is that you had the offshore diving and the shops that supported the equipment. If you were at all mechanically inclined, they put you to work in the shop. They found out I was pretty good mechanically, so they kept me in the shop, at what felt like a couple of dollars an hour (the actual shop wage was $5 an hour). I was going through my savings and slowly starving, wanting to break out and go diving and get the big diver's pay.”

Accordingly, he got Curren, by then shaping surfboards in Santa Barbara, to make a mold for the new mask—which at his suggestion Curren sold to General Offshore Divers for $1,000—and deliver the ten shells. Morgan, Christensen and Ratcliffe then fitted the metal parts, which Morgan had machined by Agonic Engineering, the company that later produced the Aquadyne mask.

Wilson realized that Morgan was a considerable asset. Apart from assembling the masks, he was taking excellent photographs above and below water for brochures and doing his own developing and printing in a darkroom that he had set up at the back of the Diver's Den opposite General Offshore's offices. Typically, Wilson had made a deal with the owner, Don Duckett, a fellow ex-Marine, to use the space in exchange for providing the shop with a hot water heater. When General Offshore needed a deep-water strobe for a Nikonos camera, Morgan encased a surface unit in resin, complete with a waterproof charging lead for the nickel cadmium batteries and rugged enough to survive almost any abuse.

However, Morgan's worth lay above all in his mask-building ability and his almost intuitive understanding of diving equipment. Seeing how much would be gained from paying Morgan a salary to build masks for Ocean Systems, Wilson went to New York and put the proposition to Union Carbide, but without success. Union Carbide failed to understand the significance of a new type of commercial diving mask and they did not want to increase the overhead. Later, towards the end of 1965, Morgan joined Bob Kirby and subsequently put an improved version of the mask into production as the Kirby Morgan Band Mask.

View media item 209080
On completion, the Purisima was successfully tested to 1,800'/548M in the Santa Barbara Channel. Wilson then obtained permission from Standard Oil to do a series of dives on the mast of their abandoned Well No. 401 at Gaviota, with the divers locking out of the bell and swimming over to the walk-around at 110'/33M. The dives served not only to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system but also to demonstrate the new method of working to the oil company.

After the tests, General Offshore Divers installed the Purisima on the Wodeco III, which was drilling for Standard Oil off Oregon, in 350’/107M–400'/122M of water. There were numerous difficulties, chief among them the challenge of getting the bell in and out of the water. To avoid shock-load problems, the Purisima used nylon line rather than steel cable. As Wilson later admitted, nylon has no place around the sharp objects found on drilling and construction projects, and the rope's large diameter meant that it built up on the drum, resulting in marginal lifting capacity during launch and recovery. Furthermore, the bell had a tendency to rotate on the way to and from the bottom, wrapping its nylon line and umbilical around the guide line that led to the drilling stack. To make matters worse, the launch position was next to the barge's chine plates and the umbilical chafed against them as it was paid out and pulled in.

After a few dives Whitey Stefens pronounced the Purisima not operational and pulled it off the job. It was later shipped to the laboratory at Tonawanda, where a flange was welded on and it was mated to the research chamber. Eventually André Galerne of International Underwater Contractors in New York bought it for his company’s diving school.

The Purisima, though unsuccessful, attracted considerable attention in the United States and Europe, in part through the short 16mm movie that Malvern Wolfe, Ernest Brooks II, Bev Morgan and the author made during the test dives at Gaviota. The oilfield diving community realized that it marked the beginning of a new era, and it was not long before other companies began building lock-out bells, Reading & Bates and Divcon both adopting the two-compartment approach.

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The Purisima diving bell has been refurbished and put on display at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. I took this image last month.

A lot of commercial divers are unaware of the number of mixed-gas bounce diving systems that were built in the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. Most consisted of 66" or 1676mm spherical 2-diver bells that top or side-mated to double-lock deck chambers in the 54-60" or 1,372-1,524mm diameter range. Many of them still exist in surplus tankage yards.

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