intermediate pressure

  1. tarponchik

    If I do not know the intermediate pressure supplied by the 1-st stage, which 2-nd stage to buy?

    That is, rated for 50-80, 80-110, or 110-140 Psi? Too low will go into free flow, and too high won't give air, right?
  2. B

    Intermediate Pressure

    Going back to regulator design, how was an IP range of approx. 125-145 psi chosen as the optimal range?
  3. J

    Intermediate pressure up to 300 psi?

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and to be honest, I have never scuba dived... However, I would like to use a scuba tank as an air compressor. I just came from the local scuba shop where they told me that it is quite simple to do (they use scuba tanks as air compressors themselves): just...
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