
  1. R

    Where Do You Mount Your Trilobite?

    Clearly if you need this cutting tool, there's a decent chance someone is in a precarious situation. At the same time, you hopefully don't need it often, so you don't want it invasive of other tools and instruments. So, where on your body do you mount yours and why?
  2. klspicoli

    Closed Trilobite EEZYCUT x 2 brand new! Cutting Tool

    Trilobite EEZYCUT cutting tool. Quantity two available! $20 each including domestic shipping. $35 for both including domestic shipping. Brand new in sealed original packaging. Spare blades and sheaths included. PayPal or venmo
  3. IslandAdventurer

    My Trilobite is Magnetic!

    So I keep a Trilobite attached to my compass bungee mount.. my compass has been acting funny underwater, deviating every so often or just being plain wrong.. So I figured out my Trilobite has somehow become magnetised and has been throwing off the compass. I used magnetic field detector app and...
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