A First Timers View of Cozumel- The Good and the Bad

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Looking back at my first trip to Coz, last Labour Day, I think Herman's "feel" for Cozumel was very similar to mine. The diving is good but is much quicker and of the "follow the leader" type due to its drift nature. On my first trip, my wife and I went to more of the touristy places to eat and weren't overwhelmed with the value (I'm not saying it was bad, just nut great). My biggest complaint (on the first trip)was the time lag between sitting down and finishing the meal. For example, if you return back from a morning 2 tank dive at 12:30 and needed to catch a 2PM afternoon dive, that doesn't really leave much time for sitting in a restaurant. It was unfortunate, but, on more than one occassion we went to McDonalds for lunch due to the time constraint on the first trip. (Room service at our hotel was also quick).

However, we learned a lot about Coz on our first trip and adjusted our strategies and found a few restaurants that were quick and good for lunch. We also, thru Scubaboard, our Divemasters, and our experiences, created a list of "good" restaurants. Our second trip was much better (not that the 1st trip was bad) because of this and some familiarity with the experience.

I enjoy Cozumel and will go back again. Still, I had similar feelings to Herman on my first trip to Coz (although not the waiter problem).
What in the world are you talking about? I've read every article in this thread, and I never saw any banging or lambasting of anyone. Some people posted an opinion, some other folks posted their counters to that opinion, just like it's supposed to go on a forum. It all came across as very civil to me; did I miss something?

What is pretty near heaven to me is not necessarily so for everyone. That's the way of the world, and it's a good thing; if everyone in the world felt the same way about Cozumel as I do, I'd have to book my flights three years in advance.

If anything I've said came across as a personal attack on anyone, I heartily apologize; such was certainly never my intention. To each his own, and live and let live.


Gordon, as you know, I just recently returned from Coz. and I tried something with the street vendors on the square that worked very well. When they would approach me and finally get my attention, I would speak to them in French. I would say, sorry, I am french and I dont speak spanish at all. With that, they would turn and walk away. It was great. As for Herman, he read all the threads and was probably as prepared as he wanted to be. Just means that the island will be a little less crowded the next time I go. My only response to Herman would be no matter where you are on this planet, you get what you pay for.
Gordon, as you know, I just recently returned from Coz. and I tried something with the street vendors on the square that worked very well. When they would approach me and finally get my attention, I would speak to them in French. I would say, sorry, I am french and I dont speak spanish at all. With that, they would turn and walk away. It was great. As for Herman, he read all the threads and was probably as prepared as he wanted to be. Just means that the island will be a little less crowded the next time I go. My only response to Herman would be no matter where you are on this planet, you get what you pay for.

I once had a little fun with a guy who approached me on the square, pestering me to hire him to give me a tour of the island. I asked how old he was, and he said he was 23. I told him (truthfully) that I had been coming to Cozumel since before he was born; did he want ME to give HIM a tour of the island? Every time I saw him after that, he just looked at me and grinned. The guys he was hanging with left me alone, too.
I'm a Coz lover. But......I've not gone anywhere else besides the Keys, once. (Preferred Coz for my purposes.)

So, having said that, I'd like to hear what YOUR favorite is and why. I'm going to have to expand my horizons some day and try another destination. I like your frankness. Could you pony up your short list of favorite destinations for me and list their pros and cons from your perspective?
Tim Ingersoll:
Go for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Look at all the people who love the place and return again and again vs. the very few who have a bad experience and vow never to return. Actually. . .don't go. . .there will be more room for the rest of us!
As to vendors on the main drag. . .walk on the ocean side of the street! No vendors, no hassles! Better yet stay off the cruisero strip altogether.
It wasn’t a poor review that triggered that but a better concept of the whole. I should have said how much I appreciated the personal reviews – as someone pointed out – researching to know better what to expect.
Not publicly displayed I was tired and grumpy
For the record, I have taken nothing that's been said as an attack. I fully expected a lively conversation when I posted. I value different opinions and respect others views.

Penny, I guess it would help if you knew what I like and how I like to dive. I like peace and quite, the less crowded the better. I perfer a slow pace and to dive when, where and how I want. I am an experienced diver with lots of time underwater and don't need or want a DM. I enjoy having a camera along so I want to set my own pace so I can get the shots I want. I could care less if there was a bar or night club within 50 miles of where I dive as long as I can get a cold beer somewhere after the diving is done, a fridge in my room and a chair beside the ocean with a good friend is perfect. I want good food at a reasonable price, with varity and reasonable service.
In short, I want to eat, sleep and dive.
So to answer your question my prefered place is Bonaire. It's a pain to get to but it's perfect for what I like. I can shore dive at almost 100 sites on the island any time I want, day or night. My typical dive is 75 minutes and often 90 minutes and I often do 4 a day and many times a 5th night dive. Many times my buddy(s) and I are the only ones at the site. All dives are to MY chosen profile, not some DM's who is on a schedule. I find the food and service on Bonaire to be better than most any place I have been. They are on island time but the choices and quality are very good and so for I have had reasonable service everywhere I have eaten. I am a fish and beef lover and both can be had on Bonaire. To return to Coz for a second ,I never found a good burger, steak or fish on the island- not that they don't exist but I never found any. Lastly, there are no street vendors. You can but anything you need, just no one on the street trying to drag you in.
The only con for me is the PITA Bonaire can be to get to. For others the lack of night life and topside activites like a big shopping area or casino are a big negative. There is also some problem with petty crime. So far I have not experienced it but it does happen. Mostly car breakins but at least for me, leaving the car unlocked and windows down has prevented any problems.

I have friends who hate Bonaire and love Coz and the funny thing is we like/dislike the 2 island for same reasons. I hate crowds and DM's messing with my gear- they love the crowds and want the DM's to do the work for them.

As I sit here and type, it occurs to me we (SB) need to start a travel guide group. I can't help but think I would have enjoyed Coz better if I had had an experienced Coz diver who knows the side streets and small places to eat showing me around. Anyone else like that idea?
My daughter and I just returned from our first dive trip to Cozumel. We went with Dive with Martin and stayed in a villa in town. It was neat leaving on the fast boats for the divesites and seeing the Rhapsody of the Seas moored at the pier. I recalled my first visit to Cozumel a few years ago ….as a “cruisero”! While snorkeling there, I watched some divers under us heading out to the reef. I remember thinking, “Now that looks like an awesome way to go.” OW certification wasn’t far behind and now “I are one!” We’ve done the liveaboard several times since and so it was three years later before we got back to Coz to dive. We did our homework….lots of forum reading, private emails to folks in the know, and heavy internet surfing/checking maps. (A very special thanks is in order here to ggunn….his drift diving checklist was thorough and proved invaluable…no surprises when we got into the diving.) Thank you sir!

The Diving: The good reports I read on the board about this DWM were right on, and we’re so glad we chose them. The entire staff works hard and shows lots of “hustle”, whether it’s hauling 80 lbs of lead weight to the boat, changing out tanks in record time, or checking out every crevice for something cool to show us divers. They took good care of us and our gear and were polite and professional with everyone….even a boorish and irritable guy who demanded to be taken to Devil’s Throat (with an anxious wife who dove the entire time clinging to his shoulder D-ring, totally unfamiliar with her rig.) No, we didn’t go and he pouted the rest of the trip. The DM had taken a lot of video so our free video with the dive package was well done.

The drift diving was a little different than I expected….the current wasn’t bad at all, we’d been in faster stuff on the liveaboards so it was nice to go for the ride and then have the boat there at surface time. Again, with the tips from the board, we stayed low on the coral and saw so much sealife, large and small. I think the folks who were drifting 8 foot above and hanging vertical for most of the dive missed a lot. My idea of the perfect setup would be a live aboard offering 4 dives a day in Cozumel, with one dive per day spent on just 2 or 3 coral heads.

The Shopping & Hawkers: Being ex-pod persons, we knew better than to hang out on the main drag anytime other than Sunday. We did our shopping in our neighborhood and bought several items at 1/3 the cost of those on the main street. As women traveling alone we never felt threatened or hassled. I hadn’t expected that, having lived close to border towns in Texas.

The Local Scene: Since our villa was back off the oceanstrip about 6 blocks into town, we didn’t encounter the hawkers or the cruiseros much. Without exception, the locals we met were friendly and oftentimes very helpful. We both speak pretty good Spanish and that seemed to help “break the ice”. Some of the things that impressed me most were the very clean streets, the laid back happy dogs, and the total lack of bugs, I counted 3 flies the whole time we were there. The only thing that un-nerved me were the scooters darting about loaded with entire families, including very small children. But the single accident we observed was between two touristas – one of which apparently didn’t know what “alto” meant. We went to the west side of the island one day and it was pretty isolated, had it to ourselves and enjoyed it a lot more than Bimini!

The Food: Again, we counted heavily on the restaurant poll and reviews on Scubaboard for restaurants. We usually had our biggest meal at lunch and then went to the villa for a nap/reading before dinner out or an evening dive. We often shared an entrée and split dessert so we got by really cheap, since the prices weren’t as low as we’d hoped this proved to be a good plan. Many times we were the only patrons at some of the restaurants. I’ve never had lobster as good as that at the Lobster House, and Especial was a favorite. Coz’s “real” chips and guacamole were a mainstay. The tip about shopping at the supermarket was a winner, several nights we were pretty tired and ate in. Chocoholics that we are we had taken some Dove chocolates, and M & M’s, along with homemade trailmix and jerky.

The Villa: What started as a group of 8 dwindled to 4, and then down to only the two of us. So we were rattling around in a big villa (but at least everyone who cancelled had paid their share.) Towards the end of the week I was thinking I’m not so sure I’d want to be in such close quarters with 6 other folks anyway. That combined with the fact our maid spent more time on making towel critters than washing the silverware and mopping the kitchen floor has convinced us that next time we’ll go with Caribe Blu or some other smaller, beachfront hotel.

Our high point was a dolphin we saw off the wall over deeper water…..we hadn’t expected to be so fortunate, it was my daughter’s first and I bought her a little while onyx one as a remembrance in one of the shops. It sits on her computer stand now, reminding her to work on her Spanish and stay in shape for our next trip to Coz. It’s hard to beat the diving there with a direct flight out of Houston for us cost-conscious, warm water Texans!

Apenas cuenta de los días hasta la vez próxima!
Is there any particular diving centers you would or wouldn't recommend in Cozumel? I am planning a trip there this summer and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

There are several dive shops that are bad news "It is Mexico" one I had was Ecodivers
we made the local paper. that took this italian couple with us, his arm was in a sling and went to Palancar caves. it was a distatser. I dove the last few times with XTABAY, dario is excellent. Most larger shops are fine, but tend to be a bit cattle boat.

check the board and you will find plenty of good shops
As I sit here and type, it occurs to me we (SB) need to start a travel guide group. I can't help but think I would have enjoyed Coz better if I had had an experienced Coz diver who knows the side streets and small places to eat showing me around. Anyone else like that idea?

First of all, I enjoyed your report, good stuff to think about and great pics.

As far as an SB travel guide, this whole board is one big travel guide for me. I found a dive opp, knew dive locations, picked out my hotel, went to restaurants all based of my SB research. I even dived with great SB members and met some on shore.

However, Herman, the next time you are in the Spokane area, I happily volunteer to be your personal travel guide! :D
Herman .... sorry your first Coz trip didn't live up to the build-up. I guess in some ways it's an acquired taste. With practice, we've gotten better at finding the out of the way restaurants (with much help from ScubaBoard!) and in nicely saying no to the street hawkers. You were invaluable at providing information when we planned our first trip to Bonaire. And I have to say, although they are polar opposites in about every way - Cozumel & Bonaire are my two favorites dive locations. We'd hoped to go back to Bonaire next year, but with Air Jamaica dropping it's flights, the chances are getting slimmer (unless I want to spent 13 hours flying all over the place to get there!) So, the next trip is Coz in 7 weeks -checking out Caribe Blu and Blue Angel for the first time. (We're big Papa Hog fans - but this was a deal we couldn't pass up!) I hope you give Coz a second shot and have better results your next trip. Maybe your idea of a travel guide group isn't far off ...... Natasha (here on the boards) has done planned group dive trips to Coz previously and maybe you could hook up with something like that in the future. :e18:

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