Advice on where to dive in Belize

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I am planning a holiday in Belize next spring. I've done quite a lot of research on the area and have narrowed it down to two possible spots to base ourselves: Thatch/South water Caye or Long Caye/Glovers Atoll. I would be interested to hear the experiences of other divers, especially anyone who has dived both. Both sites seem to offer good wall diving with an abundance of small/medium sized life and the chance of larger creatures. I have found a resort in each area that get consistently good reviews. So my main query is; are the sites any more pristine/less crowded at Glovers?
Advice welcomed.

I dove at Ambrigus Caye and loved the diving, but it was a little rough outside the barrier reef. Have you run across any resorts that were very nice. I need a nice place I can take my family to also.
I've dived Thatch/Southwater several times and really like it. I stayed on Thatch Caye, which was a lovely experience in itself. I haven't dived Glovers, but friends who have reckon it's good but not quite as good as the hype. Since it's easy to dive Glovers from Thatch Caye that's where I'd go. In fact, I'm off there again this weekend!

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