Altitude Diving in a Volcano Crater Lake

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Bali - Indonesia
Here is a nice story of an adventure, which took place in Indonesia, June 2007 about diving inside a Volcano Crater lake, at an Altitude of 2000 metres...

This five days journey is quite challenging as trekking and climbing through Savana or Jungle is needed to access inside the volcano "Gunnung Rinjani", in the heart of Lombok, Indonesia.

Gunnung Rinjani rise at 3726 metres and is the 2nd highest peak in Indonesia.

Just click on the link to download this microsoft word document:

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Thank you for your understanding. :14:

Have a great day.
Interesting adventure dive, dude. Thanks for sharing your report and findings. Would be interesting what the scientists say of the sample of sea shells. Most likely the place was a prehistoric human settlement of some sort .....

Welcome to ScubaBoard...
Wow, interesting report, nice pictures - thanx for sharing!!
Sorry for dragging this thread out of its dormancy buut given that I was going to post about the volcano trek dive it seemed silly to start a new thread.

Has anybody completed this trek/dive? or know if there is still a dive centre or tour group that guides people there?

To Nic aka Mrs BBC,

This adventure is still on and actually starts today, 1st of June and open till end of september.
Because of the altitude, this adventure trip, Trek'n dive works 4 months per year only.
You can have more details on:

1-2-dive Volcano :: Dive n' trek the Rinjani volcano, Lombok, Indonesia

Or contact me by email

I will send you a pdf brochure with all details of the trip.

U see? this thread is like an old volcano... it might be quiet and seems dormant, however it still burns underneath and one day it wakes up without warning.

Have nice dives.

Laurent Lavoye
7SEAS International
1-2-Dive indonesia
Thanks for the swift reply Laurent, I have sent an email


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