Andaman diving

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Northern California
# of dives
500 - 999
We haven't been to Thailand for quite some time and the wife and I have been thinking about going back.This trip would be in January, and the wife doesn't dive so I prefer short boat trips.
She put's up with me doing quite a bit of diving for the first two weeks of our 35 day trip but if I'm gone most the day she doesn't appreciate it much
She like's our Bali trips because in Tulamben often I'm back between dives, or at least back by lunch. And When we're on Lembongan I'm back by 1:00.

I've been looking a bit at Koh Lanta and Koh Lipe, but the dive trips seem to be long, out till 3:00. I'd love to hear some feedback.
Also how's the diving?
I'm a bit spoiled with doing most my diving in Indonesia, and the Philippines. I love everything from Macro to beautiful coral gardens loaded with fish. I've done a liveaboard to the Similans, and some snorkeling in the Andamans but that was years ago before the coral bleaching event brought on by El Nino.
How has the coral recovered?
Now of course there is a El Nino brewing, so I'm also curious to know during the last big El Nino when did the bleaching occur? Summer or Winter?
Thanks bunches.
Last time coral bleaching occured in June, no effects at the moment and the sea temperatures are lower compared to the last bleaching.

For short boat rides your options are limited to Phi Phi really. I like the island for a few days, but after 2 nights I have had it with it, Phi Phi really is a party island for backpackers. The boats in the area in general are big and stable, so maybe she could join you?
Thanks for the info steven.
Unfortunately the wife struggles on most boats unless they are huge. I'm talking big ferry size. I'm lucky she put's up with some of the small boats I put her on to get to some island.
We really love Thailand and would love to go back. I'll look into Phi-Phi a bit, ( we had reservations to stay there but then the Tsunami totaled it, just a month before we were going)
maybe I can fill up on dives there for a bit, then do a few off Lanta and Lipe.
I don't hear much about the diving around Lanta/Lipe How is it?
Is there any other small islands in the area I should look into? We don't need much going on but a decent bungalow, good food, and some decent diving.
A pity you did not go to Phi Phi ten years ago, the locals would have loved you to visit, especially at that time when they really needed it. I understand you did not want to go anymore, but it really is a pity.
From Lanta most of the diving is done in the Phi Phi area, but there are also some other sites that are really good, Koh Haa and Hin Daeng and Hin Muang. But they are all a long way out so full daytrips. Lipe is more basic and quieter, but IMO diving is not as good.
A pity you did not go to Phi Phi ten years ago, the locals would have loved you to visit, especially at that time when they really needed it. I understand you did not want to go anymore, but it really is a pity.
We skipped our Andaman side portion of that trip as we were reticent about burdening the population with our presence, when they needed to rebuild. My reservation on Phi-Phi was the first I ever made in my travels and two days after I made it the Tsunami hit. The hotel we were to stay at was wiped right off the map. I recived an email that I could receive my deposit back but I just let them keep it. We actually had friends on Phi-Phi then and if their trip wasn't last minute and were staying on the hill they would have gotten hit.

On a brighter tack, I've snorkeled off an island when I was staying on Koh Mook, it was in a marine park and had a channel between two islands. Ring a bell for anyone? The coral was amazing there and there was a nice wall on one side. I wish I knew for sure which it was, maybee some time with google earth and I'll be able to find it. We'd really like to go back to Thailand and I realize I may have to settle for a scale of diving lower than I prefer, but we've loved it there so much.
I agree with Steven that Koh Lanta is a good choice. The dive sites he mentioned are among my current favorites. Yes, the trips are a bit long, but I think that Koh Ha is one of the most beautiful places around. It has a lovely lagoon. Snorkeling is good and there is at least one nifty little beach.
We dived with Scubafish from Kantiang Bay on Koh Lanta in January 2015.
Good service, lots of different routes. They will also organise accommodation if you wish.

You choose which of the southern islands you want to dive each day. Don't miss Hing Daeng/Hin Muan for an awesome day. It's true that you don't get back until the evening but on the other hand you don't have to dive every day.
Kantiang is fairly quiet and undeveloped, so if you're looking for a luxury holiday it may not suit you.
Have fun whatever you choose.

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