anyone wear hood over dive mask strap?

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I also go with the mask under the hood. Sometimes it folds my ears a bit, but with a little adjusting this is no problem. To add to what others have said, it is a little added security that the mask won't (can't) go far next time some bozo kicks you in the face...
I also wear my mask under my hood, specifically for when I get kicked in the face by newer divers.
Except for when I'm teaching & have to wear a snorkel :rolleyes:, I wear my mask under my hood. I find my hoods tend to trap exhaust air, even with holes punched into the hood to release it. The swelling of the hood starts pulling the mask strap tight, causing flooding issues.
you wear one of these?

lol. do you actually encounter any other fish within a 1 mile radius when you go dive?
thats the same hood i got!!!!!
i love it for teaching 'cause they all know who i am with it black suits and masks, everyone looks the same....
my daughter was in school in london-my xmas present from scapa flow!!!
Yep, that way the DIR divers in my group can't kick it off either....
Under over whichever is most comfortable for you. I don't like wearing hoods in general but I prefer it outside so I can remove my mask if I want to without having to try to pull of my hood.

If you wear it outside - either trim the hood - I just make sure the sirt of the mask is tucked inside the neoprene of the hood. No more leaks, no cutting of hoods, no faffing about getting the hood over the mask (which would require a lot of faffage, in my case :D )

safety and comfort - in that order of course.


you wear one of these?

lol. do you actually encounter any other fish within a 1 mile radius when you go dive?

Where on earth did you get that's AWESOME!!!!

Bob (Toronto)
Strap under hood is the way to go. Mask won't get knocked off in heavy surf, no leaks, no readjusting when switching from hood to no-hood, and if the strap snaps the mask won't just float away. If you don't already have one, get one of these neoprene strap-cover thingys...makes everything easier.
I used to put the strap over my hood and yes - it has been kicked off that way. When I met my snuggle buddy, he advised me to put it under the hood. I said I'd never had a problem and jumped. But my jump was a little wobbly and I got the wash as I did a summer sault under water. Yep - the mask went bye-bye.

Now I wear it under the hood. Even under my DUI hood.

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