AUG 04 Dive Reports, Please post if you dive.

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Date: 08/21/2004
Dive Location: Veterans Park/Topaz Street, Redondo Beach
Time: 7:55 am
Bottom Time: 34:00
Max Depth: 60 feet
Vis: 25 - 30 feet
Wave height: 1 ft breaking at shore
Surface Temp: 66 degrees
Bottom Temp: 56 degrees
Tide information: low tide - 1.6'

Comments: Met up with local DMs Joe Raemer, Gary Sterling and Dennis Gunn around 7 am at Vet. Park. Geared up and took the short walk on the strand to the Topez Street steps and rock jetty. Kicked out just north of the end of the rock jetty and dropped down. Compass heading of 300 degrees NW brought us to the first of the old pier pilings at approx 30'. Great color and growth, many strawberry anemoe. Little wildlife found on this dive, but there was a small octopus taking a break on the top of the first piling along with a few giant kelp fish, crabs, perch, hares, sea pens, etc.

After a little exploration of the jetty remains, we heading north out along the submarine canyon with the intentions of slowing making our way inward to pop out at the Veteran Park stairs. Slight current and our casual stroll found us about half way as we surfaced in 7'.

This was my second attempt to find the old pier. Thanks to Gary's great navagation and good water vis. our dive was a success. Highly recommended dive. Lines where laid by divers on previous dives to help locate each piling in poor vis conditions.

Date: 22 Aug 04
Dive Location: Deadmans Reef, Laguna Beach, CA
Time: 8:37 a.m.
Bottom Time: 48:20
Max Depth: 56 FSW
Vis: 15-20+
Wave height: 1 ft or so
Temp at depth: 63 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 68 Suunto degrees
Tide information: LOW 7:18 a.m. 2.1 ft HIGH: 2:19 P.M. 5.2 ft.
Wrinkles dive. Group met and swam out to Deadman’s reef. Did a surface swim all the way out until we were on top of the reef. There was a current coming out of the west and another current coming from shore. Dropped down and enjoyed a great dive. Eel and lobster along with the usual suspects were observed. On the way back end there was a current coming from shore and we spent some time swimming and going no place.
Date: 22 Aug 04
Dive Location: Seal Rock Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach, CA
Time: 11:38 a.m.
Bottom Time: 59:30
Max Depth: 42 FSW
Vis: 15-20+
Wave height: 1 ft or so
Temp at depth: 68 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 70 Suunto degrees
Tide information: LOW 7:18 a.m. 2.1 ft HIGH: 2:19 P.M. 5.2 ft.

Wrinkles dive II, Swam out to seal rock. As usual the sea lions did come out to play, but not in any great numbers. Just a few, but still fun. Sean, with his sharp eye managed to find 4 octopi of various sizes. Spotted the usual critters and had a great time. Surface chop had picked up by the end of the dive. Divebuddysean logged dive Nuymber 100 at this end of this one. :crafty:
Date: 22 Aug 04
Dive Location: Dead Man’s Reef Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach, CA
Time: 8:37 a.m.
Bottom Time: 48:40
Max Depth: 60 feet
Vis: 10-25 feet
Wave height: 1 ft or so
Temp at depth: 63 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 66 Suunto degrees
Tide information: LOW 7:18 a.m. 2.1 ft HIGH: 2:19 P.M. 5.2 ft.

We dropped down into 40 feet of water right on the reef. We slowly swam around going very slowly exploring the reef. Black eyed gobies and Painted Greenlings are all over the reef. We saw a nice Morey eel with his buddy lobster enjoying our adoring eyes. We also saw a few scuplins, bat stars, tube anenomies, surf perch, blacksmith, bat stars, ocre stars, a beautiful shrimp with his buddy in their hole, 2 Blue-Banded Gobies, 2 Spanish Shawls and few lobsters around the reef.

Date: 22 Aug 04
Dive Location: Seal Rock, Laguna Beach, CA
Time: 11:38 a.m.
Bottom Time: 59:20
Max Depth: 43 feet
Vis: 10-25 feet
Wave height: 2 feet
Temp at depth: 68 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 68 Suunto degrees
Tide information: LOW 7:18 a.m. 2.1 ft HIGH: 2:19 P.M. 5.2 ft.

A shallow dive with those brave souls who opted in for the 2nd dive! The sun had come out, but the sea was a little less calm. We saw the usual suspects, but found the site to be interesting and very critter rich. I saw 3-4 octopus (one could be the same guy I saw before, but he was moving around in the open). We also saw a little Hopkins Rose nudibranch family enjoying their Sunday afternnon(thanks for the id Terry). We had hoped for a nice sea lion show, but they become bored after a few minutes and left. At the end of the dive we saw a Sand-Rose Anemone and a male Rock Wrasse. When we surfaced the surf had picked up and we kicked into the beach.

Photo Album:

Looks like I missed a good dive!!

I had to cancel my trip due to usual.

Let me know when you guys plan on going out again.


BTW - nice pics!
Yeah I did color correct them It's quite easy to tweak them, but getting the right colors is definitly an art form. I try to get my wife to help me with a 2nd opinion and sometimes her good eye for color and photoshop skills! I'm going to keep the originals just in case I botch the photos. Thanks for the feedback Ryan! I'm really happy you enjoyed them!

I'm going to keep the originals just in case I botch the photos.

The first thing I do is save my originals to cd. then I copy them and adjust them, then I save them again, and resize that copy for the web. No I have three sets, original, ajusted full sized and resized adjusted web shots.

That's just what I do. YMMV


Oh, and great job Sean.
Date: 08/24/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 5:07pm
Bottom Time: 41:00
Max Depth: 116 feet
Vis: 15-30 nice at depth and shallow
Wave height: .5 -1 foot
Temp at depth: 55 degrees
Surface Temp: 70 degrees
Tide information: high tide
Comments: Terry and I kicked out straight from the lifeguard station and lined up with the end of Scripps pier. We could see the bottom, and we dropped down into25 feet of water and kicked to the canyon. We saw the usual suspects: a horn shark, some nice tube dwelling anemones, rockfish, Dendronotus iris, California Armina, and a Yellow Dorid. I saw a bat ray and leopard shark on the way into shore.

Date: 08/24/2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores – South Wall
Time: 7:22pm
Bottom Time: 44:20
Max Depth: 114 feet
Vis: 15-30
Wave height: 1 footers
Temp at depth: 59 degrees
Surface Temp: 70 degrees
Tide information: high tide

After switching tanks and weights, our SI was about over. We met up with some Bottom Bunchers (John A, Cheryl from Canada, and Simon) we headed out to the Vallicetos bouy for a taste of the South Wall. We dropped down in 30 feet of water and headed to the canyon. By the time we dropped down it was basically a night dive. We saw the usual critters: sandabs, scorpionfish, halibut, turbots, shrimp, lizardfish, rockfish, a yellow dorid, a box jellyfish, and school of fish that followed us up from the canyon at the end circling around us. We also saw a small bat ray on the way out gracefully swimming out of site.


2 small videos:

Box jelly: 1.5 megs
Bat Ray: 1.7 megs

videos require the Divx codec which is free and can be had here:

save the video, then right click on it and open with Windows Media Player.


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