BC HOSE RIPS OFF---No Positive Buoyancy

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Regarding the proper weighting question, the standard recommendation is, empty BCD, holding a normal breath on the surface, you should float about eye level. Then add around 4lbs/2kg to compensate for an empty tank. Don't assume you need ANY extra weight...it might be that you're properly weighted without. When I'm "in shape" I normally use zero weight with an aluminum 80 & no wetsuit. When I'm fatter, normally 4lbs is about right. With compact 80's, I'm actually negative without any weight, and need to keep a bit of air in the BCD for most of the dive just to achieve neutral buoyancy. Being overweighted causes all sorts of problems, which I won't get into here. I see a lot of people "roto-tilling" the bottom, with half-filled BCDs, because they think they need a bunch of lead on them during the dive....the less air you have in the BCD during the underwater portion of the dive, the easier bouyancy control becomes.

Edit--don't mean "empty" tank....just one that's down around 500psi/30 bar or thereabouts to simulate the typical "end of dive" pressure.
...and he just gets trashed by fellow divers.

This is not cool. At all.
He's looking for further help/ support from some more experienced fellow divers.

And some of you are great w/ your reply.

Some of y'all are atrocious.

Be kind!
Hey John,
I take back what I said a couple days ago about dying and all. I need a dive buddy to go to Troy Springs this weekend. Look me up on the FSU directory. I am pretty sure there aren't any lobster at Troy, so you should stay out of trouble. We can work on our bouyancy also, mine needs some tuning. Take it easy an thanks for this thread.

Jason B:
Why are you trying to add air as you ascend? Standard procedures is to vent on ascent, not to add air.
You should have noticed this problem long, before ascending.

I don't understand this either.

The thing that troubles me the most is your poaching...Man that really p!$$($$ me off!!!!
what's confusing about this? it's true that you should vent as you ascend.
FSU John:
Hi, I am curious... I have lived in Florida my whole life and have never heard of divers spoken of negatively. Where and when do you guys hear of scuba divers having a bad rap? From my own experience, non-divers are usually envious of us certified divers, or scared of the water. The real problem with our reefs are the 'divers' who take tropical fish out of the ocean and put them in their salt water tanks of death at home.... What do the people on this board think of them? You probably would think they are saints since there are no laws against taking fish off a reef(at least to my knowledge), but when I do something that is legal(like harvesting lobster), but do it in an illegal manner, I am a poacher of the oceans devil of the deep....

When I went to UF, many people in Gainesville said a lot of bad things about FSU. I never paid much attention to them, maybe I should have. You are clearly ignorant about diving, fish collecting and lobster diving and you continue to demonstrate that you have the ethical framework of an unrepentant poacher.
When I went to UF, many people in Gainesville said a lot of bad things about FSU. I never paid much attention to them, maybe I should have. You are clearly ignorant about diving, fish collecting and lobster diving and you continue to demonstrate that you have the ethical framework of an unrepentant poacher.

WOW, what cheap shot on the whole FSU thing. The funny thing is, I have heard things about UF also, but I wont pay them any attention. As a matter of fact, I happen to love UF and would never think badly about the student body due to one persons mistakes. If this guy does some stupid things, he has given himself a bad repution... not FSU. From my understanding this is a SCUBA BOARD (hence the website name), not the "offend one another to make a point" board. If we act like adults and avoid offending each other, it is a hell of lot easier to convey a point.
While I agree with your last sentence, I am completly thrown off by the first one. I have been reading posts on this website for months, this is only the third post I have made. I realize that my input is not always needed, especially when the point to the whole post might have been made weeks ago. He has already apologized, your comments were not even necessary. It can be difficult at times to get pertinent information when you have to "weed" through all the crap. Despite your comments, I don't think all UF students are jerks... atleast not until football season.
John, admitted his guilt and was still reprimanded. We don't start out dive masters, we all make mistakes. I would dive with him anyday... assuming he learned from his mistakes.
20 dives, hand me down gear, and a poacher. Time to continue your education and follow the rules. Good Luck.

How does one start scuba diving? Do you skip the whole part where you have under 100 dives?? Does everyone who starts diving have brand new titanium equipment???

Does no one have an opinion on tropical fish collectors??? Who is doing the environment a worse blow? Me or fish collectors?

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