Bill OReilly

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I agree with Catherine, VtDiver2 and others who feel one should get their news from a variety of sources. Unfortunately, I don't have cable (nor really want it) and network doesn't really provide much in the way of real news. This is the biggest problem I see with the news... it no longer is, it's fluff and nonsense. I sure wish we had some of the real news programs back on the networks.

I'm willing to listen to people on the other side of the political spectrum (heck, I'm so far out in left field, that they're almost all to the right of me). But I'm only willing to listen if they demonstrate they are able to reason and present a well-documented position.
Cannot stomach o'reilly and do not allow fox news to be on at my home. He is nothing but a big :censored: . He only has guts when he is hiding behind the camera. He acts like he lives a pure life :rofl3: . o'reilly suffers from the "little man" syndrome (about the size of my pinkie so says Rosie).

Today's news is focused on a bunch of crap to make ratings they will bleed a topic to death. Who cares about: Brittany Spears, Anna Nicole, so much that they are covered 24 hours and always in your home? Really, I do not know these people nor do I care. In my opinion both of them are screwed up and never should have been so-called "famous" anyway. Just two crack ho's.

To many brain cells and thoughts wasted on people that have no meaning in our lifes.
Now there is some open minded thinking. If it is not spun your way it must be wrong...
Am I the only one that reads Al Jezeera daily? Pretty wide open unsided reporting.
Here ya go Bill.

Mark Twain:
It seems to me that just in the ratio that our newspapers increase, our morals decay. The more newspapers the worse morals. Where we have one newspaper that does good, I think we have fifty that do harm. We ought to look upon the establishment of a newspaper of the average pattern in a virtuous village as a calamity.
- "License of the Press" speech

I am personally acquainted with hundreds of journalists, and the opinion of the majority of them would not be worth tuppence in private, but when they speak in print it is the newspaper that is talking (the pygmy scribe is not visible) and then their utterances shake the community like the thunders of prophecy.
- speech, 2/1873

I need to remember to read the site more...I have been very impressed with how much I have gleaned from it when I do. (Al jeezera)

...nice Dave

(heck, I'm so far out in left field, that they're almost all to the right of me). and I are kindred souls, I have the same in reverse.
The reason for such fluff topics is to occupy public attention and IMO to dumb down the masses. The problem with news groups are that there are so many owned by so few. The public is therefor pushed on a seesaw of opinion with the plank of issues being supplied by Rupert and Ted. Each of whom utilize rediculous mouth pieces such as Rosie and Bill. In the end, one may catagorize themselves left or right but they are all still on the same ride.
Jimmy Swaggert is Jerry Lee Lewis' cousin. They are both Louisiana good old boys, lifelong friends, and very similar in their style. Lewis is most famous for 'Whole Lotta Shakin Going On", but his cover of 'Tell Me What I Say' is incomparable, the best.

O'Reilly is a loathsome toad. Jerry (Rivera) Rivers is a corrupt piece of dung. To borrow H.L. Mencken's phrasing, both are about as accurate as the Book of Mormon.
What is everyone's thoughts on Lou Dobbs? I like him and unlike o'reilly he allows others to finish their statement regardless if he agrees with them or not. My problem with o'reilly is that if someone is not expressing his point of view he interrupts them and cuts them off. o'reilly's conversation is always one-sided and if one does not say what he wants to hear he cuts them off or talks over them.
I like Lou Dobbs...I don't understand his position on American jobs though.
Whats his answer to the global market? He seems like the most "to the right" CNN has, he is a capitalist.

Lamont You sir have taste and Im sending out a copy of my book Culture Warrior Stand strong against those coffee drinking tree huggin left wing communist

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