Come to Okinawa, Japan for World Class Diving

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Baracuda Smile

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Chatan Cho, Okinawa, Japan
# of dives
Hello, I am a Newbee to SB, but not to diving. I have not posted much as I spend all my time underwater and it is hard to post underwater. Okinawa, has been featured in movies like Tea House of the August Moon starig Marlan Brando, and the Karate Kid. Okinawa, has 80+F water in the summer and over 100ft vis to start with. We have big things Sharks, Rays, Turtles, Whale Sharks, Humpback Whales, Wrecks, and Caves. Okinawa's diving is known for its small things, over 1000 nudibranch, vast verities of shrimp, and unamed things half the size of a grain of rice. We have the oldest civilized structure on the face of the planet, Yanaguni underwater ruins that may date back to 10,000 BC. At Yanaguni it is a quick drift dive, and in March and Feb you can see hammer heads. Why am I promoting Okinawa? I have been reading numberous magazines lately and Florida, Caribian, Mexico, Hawaii, are constantly mentioned but Okinawa is forgoten. My friend returned from Hawaii, and says the reeef is dead, and the diving in Okinawa, is ten times better. I have dove Florida and I agree Okinawa is teaming with life compaired to Florida. White sand beaches crystal blue water and becuase of all the US bases here most Okinawans speak English, as Okinawa used to be an US Territory until 1974. The people are always kind and generous. There are over 100 entry points from shore, and some are as simple as climbing over a sea wall. The food is top notch, especially if you enjoy sushi. Boats are cheap 50-150 for 3-4 dives, rentals can run about 25-50 dollars. We have as many hotels as Hawaii, some having 5 star PADI resort status. US Military has three dive centers, one of which is operated by the first white man to dive Yanaguni. These dive centers are full featured with classes and gear discounted for service memebers. Consequently 1000's of divers are qualified each month. I could go on and on but my dive buddy just called and I must get back in the water.

"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free."
- Jacques Yves Cousteau -
WELOCME TO :sblogo:

I would love to get to dive that part of the world one day! It's just another place to add to my list!

Happy diving!
My wife was born on one of those military bases when Okinawa was still as US territory. We are planning to go, maybe next summer as money allows. I was surprised at how economical it is to fly to Tokyo. Glad to hear the scuba is good, but that is a big motivation for me to go, but I have never heard much about Okinawa diving.
Almost everybody speaks English? Really? Really!?
Okinawa does have some of the best diving in the world inlcuding Yonaguni (with an o) which some very old structures- due to some new research the date of these is now up in the air but still very very old- they are now being aged at approximately the same time as much of the ancient Egyptian ruins. Also stand by for some more info on ruins found much closer to the main island of Okinawa- as the dives continue and some mapping is done we will be able to open this site soon I hope.
The US military does have 3 dive centers on Okinawa - for exclusive use by US military personnel and those over here supporting them- for others out in town will have to do. English can be a problem when you leave the bases but you can definately get by at most places on Okinawa. There are numerous dive shops and resorts on the island and a few including Reef Encounters (which I own) that cater to English speaking clientele as you move south to Yonaguni this is more rare. Ishigaki has Umicoza and we run trips to Yonaguni and other islands. The diving is definately world class over here and we would like to invite you all out to see it. You can cruise our web page for more info of help arranging a trip, or if you just want to see some cool photos of the area.

(and the first white guy to dive the ruins definately doesn't run a dive shop on a US military base- although it makes a good story)
Hello All!

Well I guess I need to know what are the conditions there? Weather and water temperatures, currents, etc....

When is the best time to visit Okinawa and with whom do you dive with?

I'm ex-military but not a retiree so I don't think I can have access to the military installations.

I would be most interested in liveaboard diving if that were possible.

But just in case liveaboards are not available can someone give me a list of about three good dive ops to connect with.

If you are non-military then the bases shops are out- although they normally don't do trips so mucha s classes and sell gear. On the main island of Okinawa you can contact us in Ishigaki there is Umicoza for English speakers. We dive in Okinawa year round the best time to come is up to you. I would avoid mid-August through Sept as its the height of typhoon season and also very hot- great diving if there isn't a typhoon though.

Late fall Oct- Dec is very nice as the water is still very warm mid high 70's at that time and the typhoons and summer tourist are mostly gone. Jan- Mar we have schooling hammerheads in Yonaguni and humpback whales in the Keramas (off the main island of Okinawa) the water is a bit colder low 70's but still quite nice. Water starts to warm up after March. Offical typhoon season starts in June but they are rare that time of year so you are normally pretty good to go through June.

Accommodations vary from very basic hostel to 5 star resort. Our inbound travel section can help you out there - they can assist in setting up accommodation to fit any budget. You can also contact Jumbo tours, JTB , HIS or any of the other major travel agencies that work with Japan for hotels. If you have any further questions feel free to ask or post a thread in the zen divers section on the board for more info- lots of divers there that live over here.
Oops sorry forgot to say- no liveaboards at this time in Okinawa or the southern islands.
If you ever get to that side of the world, Okinawa is a great place to dive!

As a Marine I was originally certified at Larrys Dive Emporium (????) outside of Camp Hanson and did my first dive at Kin Red. My most memorable experience there was on my first dive after certification and we were swimming through a channel through the coral. Three HUGE rays swam over us and blocked out the sun. Thank god the wetsuit was a rental!

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