Countdown to Leviathan...

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This all sounds like a bad John Grisham novel, I'm sorry to all those having hassles due to **** that has nothing to do with them personally...makes me glad I went with DR now though. Good luck guys I do hope you all get ya stuff back and working in the not too distant I can only imagine how frustrating this all is. Cheers
Mayb e leviathon bought whatever it was from salvo while salvo was trying to pay H....
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I'm relatively new to all this but I think before people crucify Halcyon, it's fair to say that they should at least have the chance to tell their story and lay the facts straight. To paint them as a big corporate monolith that is angrily seeking revenge without acknowledging the fact that they were not the ones to open this can of worms in the first place seems unfair and disingenuous.

From the outside, admittedly having little knowledge other than what I've seen on the internet, it seems to me that Barry stole a lot of Halcyon equipment, plans, customer lists, supplier lists, etc. Then when prosecuted moved the above around from different Salvo entities in an effort to avoid paying restitution or returning it to Halcyon. Apparently Barry has paid his debt to society but not his debt to Halcyon.

Now Barry is "out of the picture" but all has moved to another company that offers exactly, to a "T"(or should I say HID), what Salvo was offering before. That strikes me as rather suspicious. At any rate, the property of Salvo at their dissolution would be transferred to their creditors or liquidated to satisfy the company's credit obligations... I don't have all the details by a long shot but somehow I doubt that is Leviathan.
I just wrote an email to them (

How did you get in touch w/ him? I've left phone messages and sent e-mails w/ no responses. I wish I too had been warned, he flat out told me to send in my light and he'd get it back to me in time for my tech class.
As I understand it, Leviathan was in possession of items that belonged to Salvo. Since Salvo owes Halcyon money still (judgment was not entirely paid off), they're going after anyone who may have Salvo assets.


That's entirely possible and glad you pointed out that.....

but I was just going by what Halcyon said on DecoStop that Leviathan had Halcyon property.

Regardless, in the mean time, no one is "winning" here. Everyone is "loosing". Including the customer(s). Especially those who have sent lights there for repair.
That's entirely possible and glad you pointed out that.....

but I was just going by what Halcyon said on DecoStop that Leviathan had Halcyon property.

Regardless, in the mean time, no one is "winning" here. Everyone is "loosing". Including the customer(s). Especially those who have sent lights there for repair.

I've been following the DecoStop trainwreck, too, but I was pretty I recall JJ saying they found Salvo materials at Leviathan, not Halcyon materials.

Halcyon may consider all of Salvo's (former) assets to be theirs at this point, but that's not an entirely accurate stance, to my mind.

I don't begrudge them the right to collect on their judgment (the what, $50k or so that's left unpaid?), but going after Corey and Leviathan is overreaching, IMO. At some point the chain has to be broken. I once shook hands with Barry at a dive show, does that mean they're coming after my assets next? (extreme example, but it makes a point)
that does not even begin to make sense - just like the revenge comments. if someone steals my car and sells it to you then you are not a bad guy (if you acted in good faith). However, I am certainly entitled to get my car back and would not hesitate to go after you in court if necessary. that has nothing to do with revenge nor is it "overreaching". the chain is broken when i get my car back. same with whatever Barry stole from halcyon. Corey's (hopefully) good faith does not make him the rightful owner of stolen goods if there really still is some halcyon stuff at leviathan.
At some point the chain has to be broken. I once shook hands with Barry at a dive show, does that mean they're coming after my assets next? (extreme example, but it makes a point)

I think this disagreement is essentially due to lack of concrete information. At what point is it overreaching? If there was a legitimate, arms-length transaction between Salvo and Leviathan that doesn't violate a court order, break the law or unjustly harm a third party? That sounds right, and that seems like what you're assuming. But is that really the case here? I don't know, but it would seem inconsistent with what is going on.

But what if Savlo's assets were assigned to Halcyon, or impounded by the court? Then the movement of such products to Leviathan would be likely be fraudulent and invalid, regardless of any lack of fault of Leviathan. In this case, a lot of people say H should leave Leviathan alone and go after Salvo, but it makes at least as much sense for Halcyon to get the property it has a rightful claim on, and for Leviathan to pursue Salvo/BM for the fraudulent transaction.

If someone stole your doubles, sold them to your unsuspecting neighbor and then skipped town, I'm sure you'd want the tanks back. But if your neighbor then says, "hey, I bought these fair and square, go find the guy who stole them," you'd probably rather get your property back and make the neighbor chase the fraudster to Canada in order to get his money back. If the neighbor knew or had reason to know that the tanks were stolen, it'd be an even easier case for you.

I don't think anyone here really knows exactly what the situation is, but I have enough faith in the rule of law to assume that what is happening here is not just some baseless land grab with the approval of the court.
I don't think anyone here really knows exactly what the situation is, but I have enough faith in the rule of law to assume that what is happening here is not just some baseless land grab with the approval of the court.

I certainly don't know what's going on but I think you left one point out of you analysis. Lawyers...

If JJ can afford lawyers and Cory can't, JJ's team can likely convince a judge of just about anything, whether it's true or not, if there isn't an advocate standing at the other table.

I don't know that's what happening, but I'm pointing out that having faith in the 'rule of law' and understanding how the court system works are two different things...

I have very little faith that the court system in this country is fair and honest. It's far from it...

Just my two cents...

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