Deviation from the Dive Plan

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SADDDD.... With accuracy of details floating based on the dive at hand....
Sequence - Who's doing what...
Air - rock bottom/time - more often when does the boat want us back...?
Deco - rec = min, tech planned and contingency,
Distance - objective? get wet is perfectly acceptable
Depth - max & avg
Direction - uhhh second star to the right, and straight on til morning...?
My plans are connect to the hooka or strap on the tanks, Hit the bottom of the river and walk up stream. keep and eye out for something cool on the bottom and your other eye looking for the gator to the left. When the air gets low fill the bc and float back to the boat. And when we are on tanks we stay within eye sight which depending on clarity can be 2-3 ft or more. And when you find something cool yell really loud so we can all see!!
Happy Hunting!!
fill the BC? and go back to the boat? I dump what little air is in my BC and go to the boat. but your diving sounds interesting, and different. have never done the hooka thing.
If you are diving in different parts of the world where there may be language issues or if the DM's first language is not your own than you need to have a more than casual plan in place. Even if is your own backyard a more than casual plan is important if an emergency comes up or you get split up from you buddy.
Basic stuff like boat exit and entry method, max depth, stop at 5 meter for 3 minutes, basic hand signals (half tank/out of air, etc.), general direction of dive, what to do when you get split up, where the first aid kit is should be part of the basic dive plan that is understood between you and your buddy.
And you need to communicate your plan to DM (if you will do something different) or the boat captain.

My buddy and I were diving off the coast of Japan - the captain did not speak english and was not that experienced with taking divers out - I went through our plan but forgot to mention that we were going to pop markers at the end of the dive. At the end of the dive we popped our markers and the captain freaked out and brought the boat in right over our markers and he also call several other boats in the area and they all came over. all had engines running and were over us....
It's all about the plan, following the plan and communicating the plan. and yes once you have the basic plan you can be flexible on it so long as it is communicated to your buddy.

I like that.

And whatever you do, do not fall in love with the plan. I've seen that a few times and it is dangerous.
Some people I dive with the planning is pretty organized we follow it etc.... Others I don't do any deep or unfamilar etc... with simple with them more detailed with the other.
I do a lot of different types of diving - tech deep, trimix, wreck, and fun diving. I also have been fortunate to have been able to dive in a lot of different places around the world. The big thing that I have found is that you always need to have your own plan to follow. When I first started diving in Japan I would go off of one side of the boat and the fishing nets would go off the other kidding here!! I have also been to resorts in the Bahamas and it can be just as bad sometimes.
If you are new to diving try to have a plan and always always ask you guide lots of questions.
as with any sport you can have a lot of fun but you need to prepared......and I do have a lot of fun!!!! :))))

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