Dive gloves in Coz issue

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the sharkman

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Northern Cal
Ok, so can you or can you not wear dive gloves in Coz? I was just about to buy some nice warm water gloves when someone reminded me that they are frowned on in Coz, along with knives. I don't want to show up on the dive boat with gloves on and get the stink-eye from people. (one of the reasons I like a dive glove is it helps my bungee'd compass fit better). Any recent experience with this?

I just got back from Cozumel and did all dives with gloves and did a night dive with a knife. No one said anything to me, and I did notice other people with gloves and knives. My reason for gloves was to stay warm, I also had a full wet suit and booties and still got cold after a while. I dove with Dive House and no one looked at me with an evil eye.
.... the offical rule about knifes and gloves is that you must be a divemaster (the boats or by rating) to carry either of the items, and if caught you will be subject to fairly stiff fines, and have the items taken from you.

also if you are caught taking items out of the park, oh lord have mercy on you, because i hope you like bad beans for dinner for a long time
My experience in 3 trips to Coz-(most recent in 2001)all diving with Dive House-in general-no problem with gloves or knives.
Some DMs, or Some operators, or at some sites may have their own rules.
While I semi-understand the reasoning- it seems that these restrictions impact all, while aimed at the few who abuse having the knife or the gloves.I have seen several people get:splinters, cut, stung (portugese man-o-war tentacle) when holding onto "trail", "up", or "down" lines. Due to those experiences,I will try to reason with any DMs who say "no gloves-at least to the extent of " I'll wear them into the water, remove them when leaving any of the lines you tell me to hang on, and replace them at the end of the dive , when back on those same lines.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
I say: Bring em -and enjoy the great diving.
For those of us who have not been to Cozumel what is the big deal about gloves and knives? I always thought these were safety items.
Some people like to stab the coral, fish... etc w/ their knife & some people wearing gloves are touching what they should not be touching.
So a few bad apples...well, you know.
just to clarify, its not all of cozumel, its just the marine park. now having said that, all of the good diving is within the park so everything is protected, and as kat said there are some poeple that do use their hands and knives the wrong way.:upset: :upset: :upset:
Marine Park rules (which in fact run to many pages & include such items as diver per DM ratios & safety gear requirements) include a proscription against both gloves & knives, but I've been diving there many dozens of times since these rules & have yet to see them enforced. You should not worry about getting the "stink-eye" from fellow divers, many of whom will not even know about the Park rules.

You can get a detailed copy of them from Secretariat SEMARNAP, the body that administers the park.

Best regards.

I just returned from a cruise where I dove in Cozumel. The DM "allowed" me to wear gloves but said he would keep a strict eye on me so I wouldn't do something I wasn't suppose to. Funny because I was watched like a hawk yet another diver who wasn't wearing gloves kept chasing lobster, grabbing coral & sponges, etc.

I'd take them with you. Ask the DM for the rules of the boat/where you are diving & go from there.

Enjoy yourself!

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