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The Lorax for the Kelp Forest
Scuba Legend
Rest in Peace
Reaction score
Santa Catalina Island, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
I'm the type of guy who loves to take extended trips to international locations to dive. A week or two in one place is great, but my last trip was 72 days throughout SE Asia, Australia-NZ and the South Pacific.

If you have a job that permits such travel and are looking for great airfares, try www.airbrokers.com. I have no affiliation with them other than being a very satisfied customer.

Here's an example of a new special they've added just for divers:

$2699 - Divers Delight
Los Angeles - Manila - Cebu - Kota Kinabalu - Kuala Lumpur or Singapore - Bali - Perth or Darwin - Cairns - Brisbane or Sydney - Christchurch or Auckland, out of Auckland - Tonga - Western Samoa - Los Angeles, or from Auckland - Fiji - Cook Islands - Tahiti - Los Angeles
For departures thru June 6 and from August 20 - December 5, 2003.

Dr. Bill
Yes, hydrophilicity, there are some great deals if you have the time to be away for long stretches.

The 72-day trip I took two years ago went to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpor, Darwin, Goa, Sydney, Auckland, Fiji, Cook Islands and Tahiti. It was cheaper of course.

I had up to six months to complete it, some are one year. There are other around-the-world options as low as $1,000 (I'd like to do Thailand, Red Sea and the Med on a future trip).

Dr. Bill
Thanks for the info....man thats cheap!
Nice sheepshead picture in the Diving News magazine by the way!
You should post it here for all to see!
you can try Trailfinders or Aus Travel they do amazing deals on round the world tickets. I came very close one to doing it last year club class for about GBP 3,000 - had the unpaid leave all sorted out then they offered me an ex-pat contract in Japan.....

Cattle class comes in around GBP 1,000

I wish......

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