DM Internships

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So who exactly is at fault? The people taking the offer of the internship, or the people offering it?

Don't get me wrong, I am personally appalled by the idea of instructors working for free,but I suspect very much that many of this internship programmes came about because there was no work.... and so a few people offered to work for free, and then after some time the centres had to ask themselves, why pay people when there are so many out there who will work for free?

I'd think you're absolutely right about how it came about. Which group is wrong? Both, equally.
It is taking advantage of the soft market .....

Cool, I can finally post a reply so here goes:

hahahahahahahahahaha. That's a good one.

Accounting concepts seem to be confusing so let's try economic ones. Just about every certified diver in the world dreams about diving as a career. Sadly, there are positions for about 0.001% of them. With a heavy supply of candidates, DM's are never going to be retiring at 50 to live in a villa on the French Riviera. And with all those people who want to try to break into the profession, there will always be a lot who would do an unpaid internship. The fact that they are not being paid has nothing to do about whether they are a good rookie or bad one or even if they are a rookie at all. It just says that they wanted this position for some reason.

... Most DM's on working boats that I know are unpaid. Working only for tips and diving. I've even tried getting a deal like that on a couple of boats but haven't been able to pull it off yet.
...which is my point. You didn't get the job either because you are a really bad instructor (which I bet is NOT true) or because there are a dozen other people asking the shop owner for the same unpaid position and the shop owner has taken someone else because they have either slightly better skills, a prior relationship, lots of diving friends that can be delivered to the boat or some other more compelling reason. It's tough to get a job, even an unpaid one, in a profession that everyone else wants to be in.

How often do you see a help wanted ad that says: "Wanted - MSDT with any experience, no foreign language, boat handling or equipment repair skills needed. Dive in paradise 5 days a week, weekends and holidays off, medical and professional insurance paid for, pensionable and 4 weeks vacation per year. Fixed salary of $100,000 plus 20% of revenue"?
Which is why we should do our best to educate both groups :)

I'd love to hear those conversations:

"Hey Mr. Dive Shop Owner, why do you have those guys over there working without getting paid. You should reduce your profits (or charge more for your services or cut other services). This will help grow your business because people will think you are a more professional dive shop".

"Hey rookie, how come you are working for free? I know you can't get a paid job but if you and all your other rookie friends refuse to work for free, it will make it easier for me to get a paid job. Go back to Maine so we can get the economics right down here for use 'real' professionals".
In my experience, interns usually fill slots that would otherwise go unfilled. Businesses opt to plod on without the assistant-to-the-assistant if they have to pay them. The OP has been completely forthcoming in offering an opportunity to suitable candidates. Anybody who has airfare and living expenses for a month also has other choices in life, so let's allow them to choose.
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I'd love to hear those conversations:

"Hey Mr. Dive Shop Owner, why do you have those guys over there working without getting paid. You should reduce your profits (or charge more for your services or cut other services). This will help grow your business because people will think you are a more professional dive shop".

"Hey rookie, how come you are working for free? I know you can't get a paid job but if you and all your other rookie friends refuse to work for free, it will make it easier for me to get a paid job. Go back to Maine so we can get the economics right down here for use 'real' professionals".

I'm guessing you don't make a living from diving which allows your sense of humour, always inteligent to crack wise when you don't have a dog in the fight
I'm guessing you don't make a living from diving which allows your sense of humour, always inteligent to crack wise when you don't have a dog in the fight
Are you accusing him of objectivity?
Are you accusing him of objectivity?

From where would you draw that conclusion?

I didn't draw a conclusion, I asked a question. The reason I asked is because you said: don't have a dog in the fight
which means he has no vested interest in the outcome of this particular debate and can, arguably, afford to be more objective. I take it from your response that you were not accusing him of objectivity. Thank you.
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I'm guessing you don't make a living from diving which allows your sense of humour, always inteligent to crack wise when you don't have a dog in the fight

I'm actually a full time MSDT. I just also have a lot of business experience so I am realistic and understand the owner's point of view. Incidentally, I would love it if I were paid very well and there was no competition for work but it's just a fact of life that so many people want into this business that no one will get rich.

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