Do all rebreathers require a bailout bottle on board ?

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And I have no friends who have struggled whatsoever with their cells in the APs.
Oh well. We do have different friends then.

If one sucks just chuck it and throw in a new one.
Don't you have to allow 24h for the cell to wake up after opening the packet?

If 5 cells are better than 3 then obviously 7 would be better than 5.
How come your revo doesn't have 42 cells?
More seems to be better, just to be safe you know.
So you're saying that more than three is good? 😜

Come on, if you're actually paying attention to what your CCR is telling you during a dive then 3 cells is enough.
It's a lot easier if you've more than three to work out which one's out of kilter.
Why does every ccr thread turn into a revo thread?
because Revo divers are insufferable lol
How is it easier with 2 more cells? If I can't figure out what's wrong by flushing and looking at the readings, I wouldn't want to continue the dive relying on 2 old cells.
Read my post #98.
What happens if the cells are not "old". Just randomly putting 3 new cells in?
And you pretty much answered it yourself. You wouldn't continue a dive with only 2 cells. If you consider the basic rEvo with a controller and a single DREAM (heads up) that runs on 4 cells. 3 in the controller and 1 in the heads up. I could punt a bad cell from the NERD and treat it the same as a single cell DREAM. One known bad cell doesn't keep me out of the water as I have 4 good ones.
Not only can you continue a dive with a bad cell, you can start a dive as well.
because Revo divers are insufferable lol
How do you know if someone (drives a Tesla) (is vegan) (dives a Revo) …?
Come on, if you're actually paying attention to what your CCR is telling you during a dive then 3 cells is enough.

Why not use 5 cells when it is costing you no more than using 3 and giving you greater redundancy (separate cells on separate PO2 monitors). If I could fit 6 cells in my unit I probably would :p.

I have never had a cell fail inside two years, and of the 30 or so cells I have put through my unit 3 have failed between 2 and 2.5 years, never had a cell fail out of the packet or on my controller that is controlling the solenoid (cell pos 1-3 on the rEvo). Many go on to last 3 years and half are probably dead by 3.5 years according to my cell tester checking (I continue to check cells until they are dead).

Strangely this doesn't seem to happen on my Revo.

Maybe the rEvo B cells made by Vandagraph are more reliable, I do know that before they get the rEvo B sticker placed on them they are tested at rEvo HQ.

If you have a cell fail during pre-dive checks, can you still go diving with the unit as-is?

Have started a dive with a known bad cell, you know what it does not matter, continue the dive as normal. I don't carry spare cells because I have them in my unit. A rEvo diver will start off with four cells in their unit and place the 5th after 6 months. Once I used one of my 2.5 year plus cells for a few months until the 6 month replacement time was up.

Why does every ccr thread turn into a revo thread?

Because rEvos do things a little bit different and people struggle to get their head around it .
Now someone must throw in some specials about the GUE config JJ...
This actually might even be on topic ;-)
One known bad cell doesn't keep me out of the water as I have 4 good ones.
Two of which are old. It's like bringing a 2 year old cell as a spare.
I still don't see how it's easier to identify bad cells.

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