Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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My instructor.. or someone that dives told me that it doesnt affect your diving that much... I think it shouldnt **** u up as long as you dont smoke a fag or anything the day of your dive
To those of you who have quit, I applaud you and beg you to tell me your secrets.

Well, Technology Shark, thank you for the applause because it wasn't easy to quit. And since you begged me I'll tell you how I did it. If it sounds logical to you then please give it a whirl. It's always nice when a person decides to at least not spend their money to make tobacco barons a little richer at the expense of your health.

I smoked a pack a day for 20 years. About 11 years ago I made a conscious decision to quit smoking for all the typical reasons. I knew I wasn't going to quit at that point, that wasn't my point in deciding to quit. To you I say, if you really don't WANT to quit then you won't and you have a right to do what you want as long as you don't hurt anyone.

So I'm walking around doing my pack a day for another 11 months not forgetting that I had firmly decided to quit at some point (for all those typical reasons). During that time I observed my friends that quit and noted the positive changes. In my friends that smoked I noticed no changes (of course).

About a month before my birthday I decided that I was going to shoot for that date as my last day smoking. I got so that I looked forward to my birthday and by the time it came, midnight so I'd be smoke free on my birthday, I quit. I felt quite prepared and believed that I had paid my dues, hell, I put in 20 good years didn't I? This coming November will be 10 years cigarette free. Last year in Honduras I enjoyed a fine cigar with no urge to buy a pack of Camels when I came home.
it's kinda funny. i had my first ciggie in 7th grade but didn't really pick it up as a habit. i bummed several a week during high school, started buying packs as a freshman in college, then didn't smoke a bit the other three years. started again a few years after graduating, again in the 'bumming' mode, at work. faded out again. started again when with hubby #2 since he smoked, and kept it up until july (so about 6 years). i spent most of that time as a pack a week smoker, with the last year or so as a 2 pack a week smoker. it would vary wildly from none for months to a half a pack a night while drinking. now i'm pregnant - once i figured that out, i finished the pack i was on & haven't bought another. not hard at all.

i guess the point of this is that smoking is such a varied thing. there really are people who will have one or two when drinking and that's it. i can't imagine having time for 2 or more packs a day, but people do that, too. it's also possible to smoke for years and not get to the point of being addicted, though i agree it can be a horrible addiction & really feel for those who have to work to stick to their decision to be smoke free.
Since I have a goal of quitting smoking by my birthday, I'm glad that this thread has been resurrected. For those of you who have never smoked- lucky you! :fruit: But, please try not to be so condemning of those of us that do... :wink: We already KNOW how bad it is for us, we KNOW how yucky it smells & all the rest of that- I can assure you that if it were that easy, we would have all quit a long time ago. But, don't be so quick to point a finger. Everyone has something that we wish we could change to improve our health/quality of life. I still get a kick when I remember the lecture that I got from a woman on a dive boat one time about how adversely smoking effected my SAC rate. The funny part of the story is that the woman coming across so holier-than-thou toward me was AT LEAST 50-75 pounds overweight- a major contributor to lowered SAC rates &, of course, diving accidents.

... I can really only speak for myself but I have been smoking for 36 years. It's a physical addiction, a psychological addiction, a habit, an oral fixation, & a social exercises all rolled up into one. If more non-smokers understood that, perhaps they could exercise a little more compassion & restraint. I try to be courteous of non-smokers- staying down wind of them, keeping my distance, not throwing my butts down (OK, sometimes I forget that part but I am getting better all the time). I just don't understand why non-smokers do not always seem to recognize the fact that I am trying to be courteous to them. When non-smokers come to stay with me to dive, I don't even smoke in my house, out of respect for them. I consider it ill-mannered to chastise folks (even on line) for smoking. Imagine the outrage if I had turned around to that woman & mentioned her obesity!

So, thanks to all who posted their tips & tricks- I'm definitely taking note! :D
not only is Marvel a class-A smoker, she is an expert in "let's smoke next to the seasick guy to make him hurl some more"

hey Marvel, when you set your mind to it, you will do it. you can do it, it's just a matter of deciding you will (this from an ex-addict)

it's tough, but if i did it, hey, how hard can it be? :wink:
I dont smoke any kind of tobacco ever and only something else occasionally so I don't know if that would really count. Has had no adverse effects on my fitness so I think as long as it doesn't become an everyday kind of habit then it won't effect that much.
No. It really is a bad habit. Did it in high school over 30 yrs ago. Out grew the habit.
To anyone trying to quit; just think of all the money you can spend on dive equipment or more trips if you don't have to fork out $ for smokes everyday :wink:
I working on a device to make it possible to smoke on the Safety Stop. :D

After all that bottom time and slow ascent, I really hate to have to wait until I'm back aboard. :eyebrow: No more temptation to skip a safety stop to get to that after dive smoke.

Of course, militant non-smokers will find some reason to complain, even if I'm careful to stay down current. "You're smoking in my water. :11: Jeez!
thats frigging funny , i dont care who you are!!! good one don!!!:rofl3:

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